Interaction Statistics

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Documentation for package ‘hstats’ version 1.1.2

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average_loss Average Loss
average_loss.default Average Loss
average_loss.explainer Average Loss
average_loss.ranger Average Loss
dim.hstats_matrix Dimensions of "hstats_matrix" Object
dimnames.hstats_matrix Dimnames of "hstats_matrix" Object
dimnames<-.hstats_matrix Dimnames (Replacement Method) of "hstats_matrix"
h2 Total Interaction Strength
h2.default Total Interaction Strength
h2.hstats Total Interaction Strength
h2_overall Overall Interaction Strength
h2_overall.default Overall Interaction Strength
h2_overall.hstats Overall Interaction Strength
h2_pairwise Pairwise Interaction Strength
h2_pairwise.default Pairwise Interaction Strength
h2_pairwise.hstats Pairwise Interaction Strength
h2_threeway Three-way Interaction Strength
h2_threeway.default Three-way Interaction Strength
h2_threeway.hstats Three-way Interaction Strength
hstats Calculate Interaction Statistics
hstats.default Calculate Interaction Statistics
hstats.explainer Calculate Interaction Statistics
hstats.ranger Calculate Interaction Statistics
ice Individual Conditional Expectations
ice.default Individual Conditional Expectations
ice.explainer Individual Conditional Expectations
ice.ranger Individual Conditional Expectations
multivariate_grid Multivariate Grid
partial_dep Partial Dependence Plot
partial_dep.default Partial Dependence Plot
partial_dep.explainer Partial Dependence Plot
partial_dep.ranger Partial Dependence Plot
pd_importance PD Bases Importance (Experimental)
pd_importance.default PD Bases Importance (Experimental)
pd_importance.hstats PD Bases Importance (Experimental)
perm_importance Permutation Importance
perm_importance.default Permutation Importance
perm_importance.explainer Permutation Importance
perm_importance.ranger Permutation Importance
plot.hstats Plot Method for "hstats" Object
plot.hstats_matrix Plots "hstats_matrix" Object Plots "ice" Object
plot.partial_dep Plots "partial_dep" Object
print.hstats Print Method
print.hstats_matrix Prints "hstats_matrix" Object
print.hstats_summary Print Method Prints "ice" Object
print.partial_dep Prints "partial_dep" Object
summary.hstats Summary Method
univariate_grid Univariate Grid
[.hstats_matrix Subsets "hstats_matrix" Object