Sets of Numbers Implemented with Hash Tables

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Documentation for package ‘hset’ version 0.1.1

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!= Binary subset and equality relations
%!imp% Set and multiset operations
%!imp~% Set and multiset operations
%&% Set and multiset operations
%&&% Set and multiset operations
%&&~% Set and multiset operations
%&~% Set and multiset operations
%+% Set and multiset operations
%+~% Set and multiset operations
%-% Set and multiset operations
%--% Set and multiset operations
%--~% Set and multiset operations
%-~% Set and multiset operations
%=<% Binary subset and equality relations
%=<=% Binary subset and equality relations
%=>% Binary subset and equality relations
%=>=% Binary subset and equality relations
%and% Set and multiset operations
%and~% Set and multiset operations
%in% Parametrized inclusion predicate between a member and an '"hset"' object
%or% Set and multiset operations
%or~% Set and multiset operations
%sum% Set and multiset operations
%sum~% Set and multiset operations
%xor% Set and multiset operations
%xor~% Set and multiset operations
%|% Set and multiset operations
%||% Set and multiset operations
%||~% Set and multiset operations
%|~% Set and multiset operations
< Binary subset and equality relations
<= Binary subset and equality relations
== Binary subset and equality relations
> Binary subset and equality relations
>= Binary subset and equality relations
as.generalized 'hset' data structure for the R language
as.hset 'hset' data structure for the R language
as.not.generalized 'hset' data structure for the R language
cardinality 'hset' data structure for the R language
clone.of.hset 'hset' data structure for the R language
difference Set and multiset operations
hset 'hset' data structure for the R language Binary subset and equality relations
hsets.are.equal Binary subset and equality relations
inclusion.member Parametrized inclusion predicate between a member and an '"hset"' object
intersection Set and multiset operations
is.generalized 'hset' data structure for the R language
is.hset 'hset' data structure for the R language
members 'hset' data structure for the R language
multiplicities 'hset' data structure for the R language 'hset' data structure for the R language
setsum Set and multiset operations 'hset' data structure for the R language
symmdiff Set and multiset operations
union Set and multiset operations