hospitals {hospitals}R Documentation

Portuguese NHS hospitals


A dataset of the Portuguese National Health Service hospitals.




A data frame with 16 variables:


A surrogate identifier created by this R package to identify unambiguously each hospital institution.


The acronym or initialism of the hospital name.


Legal entity status: either an administrative public sector (SPA) entity, a corporate public entity (EPE) or a public-private partnership (PPP) entity. The legal status of SPA and EPE entities can be found in Decree-law 18/2017. For information about the legal status of the PPP entities see Decree-law 23/2020. The Portuguese government may also establish contracts with hospitals owned by social enterprises, namely Private Institutions of Social Solidarity (IPSS). In this case, these hospitals become effectively part of the National Health Service. There are three types of contracts that can be established with IPSS which are regulated by the Decree-law 138/2013: Management Agreement (IPSS-MA), Cooperative Agreement (IPSS-CA) and Convention (IPSS-CN).


The integration level of the hospital institution: a single hospital unit ('H'); Centro Hospitalar ('CH'), comprising two or more individual Hospital units (a case of horizontal integration); and Unidade Local de Saúde ('ULS'), comprising both Hospital entities and primary care health centres (a case of vertical integration).


One of the groups defined by Ordinance 82/2014: I, II, III, IV-a, IV-b or IV-c. This classification is based on the hospital catchment area and the scope of medical specialities provided. Broadly speaking, group I includes local hospitals, group II corresponds to regional hospitals, and group III to central hospitals. Group IV corresponds to specialised hospitals: IV-a, oncology institutes; IV-b, physical medicine and rehabilitation hospitals; and IV-c, psychiatry and mental health hospitals.


An abbreviated version of the hospital name.


The name of the hospital.


The name of the Portuguese health region.


A shortened version of hospital_region_full_name.


VAT identification number (VATIN). In Portuguese, Número de Identificação de Pessoa Colectiva (NIPC).


Latitude of the location of the hospital entity expressed in decimal degrees.


Longitude of the location of the hospital entity expressed in decimal degrees.


Colour associated with the region. These colours are assigned by this package and are provided as a convenience colour palette for plotting in R.


One of the groups defined by the project Benchmarking of Hospitals. Source: BH | Grupos e Instituições.


Colour associated with the bh_group. These colours are assigned by this package and are provided as a convenience colour palette for plotting in R.


A regular expression that can be used to identify hospitals from their names, even when the names are not exactly as in hospital_full_name.


The concept of hospital here adopted is that of a legal entity providing hospital services. Depending on the organisational structure of the entity, it may be a single hospital unit (H), several hospital units that have been merged into one Hospital Centre (CH), or a merge of hospital units and health centres into the so called Unidades Locais de Saúde (ULS); the column hospital_integration indicates which case is which.


The set of hospitals included in this dataset was created by manual inspection of the hospital institutions referred in, namely those under the sections: Serviço Nacional de Saúde—Setor Público Empresarial, Serviço Nacional de Saúde—Setor Público Administrativo, Hospitais em parceria público-privada (PPP) and Hospitais geridos pelas Misericórdias.

Here are the sources per variable (column) in the dataset:


Own work.


Own work.


Obtained from as the hospitals were grouped according to its legal status. In the case of the partnerships with IPSS, the information on the precise type of contract was obtained from inspection of the contracts themselves. In all cases they are Cooperative Agreements (IPSS-CA):

Hospital Luciano de Castro, Anadia


Hospital São José, Fafe


Hospital de São Paulo, Serpa



The classification in Hospital unit (H), Hospital Centre (CH) or Unidade Local de Saúde (ULS) could be easily inferred from the name of the hospitals. Hospital Centres always start with Centro Hospitalar (CH), and ULS hospitals always start with Unidade Local de Saúde (ULS). The remaining hospitals are therefore single Hospital (H) units.

Hospitals mentioned in Ordinance 82/2014

For the majority of the hospitals this grouping was obtained from the ordinance where these are first defined, i.e., the table annexed to Ordinance 82/2014.

Instituto de Oftalmologia Dr. Gama Pinto

The hospital Instituto de Oftalmologia Dr. Gama Pinto was not assigned to any group in the Ordinance 82/2014. But given that this hospital is exclusively specialised in ophthalmology, we have decided to assign it generically to group IV (for specialised hospitals), following the criteria given in Ordinance 82/2014.

Hospital Dr. Francisco Zagalo, Ovar

The hospital Hospital Dr. Francisco Zagalo, Ovar was not assigned to any group in the Ordinance 82/2014. It was included in group I however in a work by Luís Pereira, which we followed, see Table 15 in the Appendix 1, page 71 of data-raw/source/Pereira.Unpublished.2019.pdf.

Hospital Luciano de Castro, Anadia

The hospital Hospital Luciano de Castro, Anadia was not assigned to any group in the Ordinance 82/2014. It was included in group I however in a work by Luís Pereira, which we followed, see Table 15 in the Appendix 1, page 71 of data-raw/source/Pereira.Unpublished.2019.pdf.


Own work.


Obtained from


Obtained from Decree-law 11/93.


Own work.


From the search engine and from data-raw/source/Infarmed_lista_hospitais.pdf.

hospital_latitude and hospital_longitude

By searching each hospital in Google Maps and retrieving its coordinates.


Own work.


The ACSS groups defined in the project Hospitals' Benchmarking were collected from these sources:

ACSS Hospitals' Benchmarking website

ACSS BH | Grupos e Instituições

Relatório de Benchmarking | hospitais EPE e PPP

Page 7 of data-raw/source/Lourenco.TechReport.2013.pdf

Termos de Referência para contratualização de cuidados desaúde no SNS para 2021

Page 25 of data-raw/source/ACSS.TechReport.2020.pdf


Own work.


Own work.



[Package hospitals version 0.1.0 Index]