lmhs {horseshoenlm} | R Documentation |
Horseshoe shrinkage prior in Bayesian linear regression
This function employs the algorithm provided by van der Pas et. al. (2016) for linear model to fit Bayesian regression.
method.tau = c("fixed", "truncatedCauchy", "halfCauchy"),
tau = 1,
method.sigma = c("fixed", "Jeffreys"),
Sigma2 = 1,
burn = 1000,
nmc = 5000,
thin = 1,
alpha = 0.05,
Xtest = NULL
y |
Response vector. |
X |
Matrix of covariates, dimension |
method.tau |
Method for handling |
tau |
Use this argument to pass the (estimated) value of |
method.sigma |
Select "Jeffreys" for full Bayes with Jeffrey's prior on the error
variance |
Sigma2 |
A fixed value for the error variance |
burn |
Number of burn-in MCMC samples. Default is 1000. |
nmc |
Number of posterior draws to be saved. Default is 5000. |
thin |
Thinning parameter of the chain. Default is 1 (no thinning). |
alpha |
Level for the credible intervals. For example, alpha = 0.05 results in 95% credible intervals. |
Xtest |
test design matrix. |
The model is:
is response,
yHat |
Predictive response |
BetaHat |
Posterior mean of Beta, a |
LeftCI |
The left bounds of the credible intervals |
RightCI |
The right bounds of the credible intervals |
BetaMedian |
Posterior median of Beta, a |
LambdaHat |
Posterior samples of |
Sigma2Hat |
Posterior mean of error variance |
TauHat |
Posterior mean of global scale parameter tau, a positive scalar |
BetaSamples |
Posterior samples of |
TauSamples |
Posterior samples of |
Sigma2Samples |
Posterior samples of Sigma2 |
LikelihoodSamples |
Posterior samples of likelihood |
Devainace Information Criterion of the fitted model |
Widely Applicable Information Criterion |
Maity, A. K., Carroll, R. J., and Mallick, B. K. (2019) "Integration of Survival and Binary Data for Variable Selection and Prediction: A Bayesian Approach", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics).
Maity, A. K., Bhattacharya, A., Mallick, B. K., & Baladandayuthapani, V. (2020). Bayesian data integration and variable selection for pan cancer survival prediction using protein expression data. Biometrics, 76(1), 316-325.
Stephanie van der Pas, James Scott, Antik Chakraborty and Anirban Bhattacharya (2016). horseshoe: Implementation of the Horseshoe Prior. R package version 0.1.0. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=horseshoe
Enes Makalic and Daniel Schmidt (2016). High-Dimensional Bayesian Regularised Regression with the BayesReg Package arXiv:1611.06649
burnin <- 500
nmc <- 1000
thin <- 1
y.sd <- 1 # standard deviation of the response
p <- 100 # number of predictors
ntrain <- 100 # training size
ntest <- 50 # test size
n <- ntest + ntrain # sample size
q <- 10 # number of true predictos
beta.t <- c(sample(x = c(1, -1), size = q, replace = TRUE), rep(0, p - q))
x <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = rep(0, p), sigma = diag(p))
tmean <- x %*% beta.t
y <- rnorm(n, mean = tmean, sd = y.sd)
X <- scale(as.matrix(x)) # standarization
# Training set
ytrain <- y[1:ntrain]
Xtrain <- X[1:ntrain, ]
# Test set
ytest <- y[(ntrain + 1):n]
Xtest <- X[(ntrain + 1):n, ]
posterior.fit <- lmhs(y = ytrain, X = Xtrain, method.tau = "halfCauchy",
method.sigma = "Jeffreys", burn = burnin, nmc = nmc, thin = 1,
Xtest = Xtest)
# Posterior processing to recover the true predictors
cluster <- kmeans(abs(posterior.fit$BetaHat), centers = 2)$cluster
cluster1 <- which(cluster == 1)
cluster2 <- which(cluster == 2)
min.cluster <- ifelse(length(cluster1) < length(cluster2), 1, 2)
which(cluster == min.cluster) # this matches with the true variables