Hierarchical Ordered Probit Models with Application to Reporting Heterogeneity

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Documentation for package ‘hopit’ version 0.11.6

Help Pages

anova.hopit Likelihood Ratio Test Tables
boot_hopit Bootstrapping hopit model
disabilityWeights Standardization of the coefficients
getCutPoints Calculate the threshold cut-points and individual adjusted responses using Jurges' method
getLevels Summarize the adjusted and the original self-rated response levels
healthIndex Calculate the latent index
healthsurvey Artificially generated health survey data
hopit Generalized hierarchical ordered threshold models.
hopit.control Auxiliary for controlling the fitting of a 'hopit' model
latentIndex Calculate the latent index
percentile_CI Calculating the confidence intervals of the bootstrapped function using the percentile method
standardiseCoef Standardization of the coefficients
standardizeCoef Standardization of the coefficients
svy.varcoef_hopit Calculation of the variance-covariance matrix for a specified survey design (experimental function)