kp_gameplan {hoopR}R Documentation

Get KenPom's team game plan page


Get KenPom's team game plan page


kp_gameplan(team, year = 2021)



Team filter to select.


Year of data to pull


Returns a named list of tibbles: gameplan, correlations, position_distributions


col_name types
date Date
opponent_rk numeric
opponent character
result character
location character
pace numeric
off_eff numeric
off_eff_rk numeric
off_e_fg_pct numeric
off_to_pct numeric
off_or_pct numeric
off_ftr numeric
off_fgm_2 numeric
off_fga_2 numeric
off_fg_2_pct numeric
off_fgm_3 numeric
off_fga_3 numeric
off_fg_3_pct numeric
off_fg_3a_pct numeric
def_eff numeric
def_eff_rk numeric
def_e_fg_pct numeric
def_to_pct numeric
def_or_pct numeric
def_ftr numeric
def_fgm_2 numeric
def_fga_2 numeric
def_fg_2_pct numeric
def_fgm_3 numeric
def_fga_3 numeric
def_fg_3_pct numeric
def_fg_3a_pct numeric
wl character
team_score numeric
opponent_score numeric
day_date character
game_date numeric


col_name types
correlations_r_x_100 character
pace character
off_e_fg_pct character
off_to_pct character
off_or_pct character
off_ftr character
def_e_fg_pct character
def_to_pct character
def_or_pct character
def_ftr character


col_name types
team character
category character
c_pct numeric
pf_pct numeric
sf_pct numeric
sg_pct numeric
pg_pct numeric
c_pct_rk numeric
pf_pct_rk numeric
sf_pct_rk numeric
sg_pct_rk numeric
pg_pct_rk numeric
c_pct_d1_avg numeric
pf_pct_d1_avg numeric
sf_pct_d1_avg numeric
sg_pct_d1_avg numeric
pg_pct_d1_avg numeric

See Also

Other KenPom Team Functions: kp_minutes_matrix(), kp_opptracker(), kp_player_career(), kp_team_depth_chart(), kp_team_lineups(), kp_team_player_stats(), kp_team_players(), kp_team_schedule()


   try(kp_gameplan(team='Florida St.', year=2021))

[Package hoopR version 2.1.0 Index]