homals {homals} | R Documentation |
Homogeneity Analysis
This function performs a homogeneity analysis, aka a multiple correspondence analysis, but with many additional options. Variables can be grouped into sets, in order to emulate regression analysis and canonical analysis. For each variable there are, in addition, rank constraints on the category quantifications (or transformations) and level constraints (which allows one to treat a variable as nominal, ordinal, or numerical).
homals(data, ndim = 2, rank = ndim, level = "nominal", sets = 0, active = TRUE,
eps = 1e-06, itermax = 1000, verbose = 0)
data |
Data in data frame. |
ndim |
Number of dimensions to be extracted. |
rank |
Which quantification ranks. Default is number of dimensions |
level |
Which quantification levels. Possible values are |
sets |
List of vectors of indices. |
active |
Which variables are active for computation ( |
eps |
Iteration precision eigenvalues. |
itermax |
Maximum number of iterations. |
verbose |
0 for no iteration output, 1 prints outer iterations, 2 prints outer and inner iterations, 3 prints outer and inner and innermost iterations. |
The general idea of homogeneity analysis is to make a joint plot in p-space of all objects (or individuals) and the categories of all variables. The technique, in its most simple form, makes the graph plot in such a way that the sum of squares of the length of the nm lines is a small as possible, subject to a normalization of the object scores (their n x p coordinate matrix must be orthonormal).
Rank constraints require the category quantifications of the categories of a variable to lie in a subspace of p-space. Requiring rank equal to one for all variables reduces homogeneity analysis to principal component analysis (with optimal scaling of the variables).
Sets of variables are incorporated by using additivity restrictions on the category quantifications (i.e. we code the variables within a set interactively, but then use quantifications based on main effects only).
By combining the various types of restrictions we obtain far-reaching generalizations of principal component analysis, canonical analysis, discriminant analysis and regression analysis.
Returns an object of class "homals"
datname |
Name of the data file. |
catscores |
List of category scores for each variable. |
scoremat |
Array containing the reproduced data matrix based on category scores. |
objscores |
Matrix with object scores on each dimension. |
cat.centroids |
List of category centroids. |
ind.mat |
Dummy coded indicator matrix. |
loadings |
List of loadings of the variables on each dimension. |
low.rank |
List of lower rank quantifications. |
discrim |
Matrix with discrimination measures for each variable on each dimension. |
niter |
Number of iterations. |
eigenvalues |
Final eigenvalues. |
loss |
Value of the loss function. |
rank.vec |
Vector with ranks for each variable. |
active |
Vector with active/inactive variables. |
Jan de Leeuw, Patrick Mair
de Leeuw, J., & Mair, P. (2009). Gifi methods for optimal scaling in R: The package homals. Journal of Statistical Software, 31(4), 1-20, https://www.jstatsoft.org/v31/i04/.
Gifi, A. (1990). Nonlinear Multivariate Analysis. New York: Wiley.
See Also
##simple homals 2D-homals solution (School not active)
res <- homals(galo, active = c(rep(TRUE, 4), FALSE))
##predict IQ
res <- homals(galo, active = c(rep(TRUE, 4), FALSE), sets = list(c(1,3,4),2,5))
##Single ranks for each variable (non-linear PCA)
res <- homals(galo, active = c(rep(TRUE, 4), FALSE), sets = list(c(1,3,4),2,5))
##Nonlinear canonical correlation (2 sets of variables)
res <- homals(galo, active = c(rep(TRUE, 4), FALSE), sets = list(c(1,2),c(3,4),5))
##regression (linear)
res <- homals(neumann, sets = list(3, 1:2), level = "numerical", rank = 1)
##regression (monotone)
res <- homals(neumann, sets = list(3, 1:2), level = "ordinal", rank = 1)
##3-dimensional senate solution
res <- homals(senate, active = c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, 20)), ndim = 3)
##Predicting Species in iris dataset (polynomial level constraints for predictors)
res <- homals(iris, sets = list(1:4,5), level = c(rep("polynomial",4),"nominal"),
rank = 2, itermax = 1000)