Holistic Generalized Linear Models

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Documentation for package ‘holiglm’ version 1.0.0

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holiglm-package Holistic Generalized Linear Models Package
acoef Obtain all Active Coefficients
active_coefficients Obtain all Active Coefficients
agg_binomial Aggregate Binomial Data
as.OP.hglm_model Convert to OP
bike Bike Sharing Dataset
c.hglmc Generic Functions for 'hglmc' Objects
coef.hglm Extract Model Coefficients
cov_matrix Construct Covariance matrix
group_equal Group Equal Constraint
group_inout In-Out Constraint
group_sparsity Group Sparsity Constraint
hglm Fitting Holistic Generalized Linear Models
hglmc Generic Functions for 'hglmc' Objects
hglm_fit Fitting Holistic Generalized Linear Models
hglm_model Create a HGLM Model
hglm_seq Fitting Holistic Generalized Linear Models
holiglm Fitting Holistic Generalized Linear Models
include Include Constraint
is.hglmc Generic Functions for 'hglmc' Objects
k_max Constraint on the Number of Covariates
linear Linear Constraint
lower Lower Bound
pairwise_sign_coherence Pairwise Sign Coherence
predict.hglm Predict Method for HGLM Fits
rhglm Random HGLM Data
rho_max Constraint on the Pairwise Correlation of Covariates
scale_constraint_matrix Scale Linear Constraint Matrix
sign_coherence Sign Coherence Constraint
solution.hglm Extract Solution
update_objective Update the Model Object
upper Upper Bound
_PACKAGE Holistic Generalized Linear Models Package