hlt {hlt} | R Documentation |
Explanatory and Descriptive Higher-Order Item Response Theory (Latent Trait Theory)
Fit a higher-order item response theory model under the generalized partial credit measurement model. The goal is to explain multiple latent dimensions by a single higher-order dimension. We extend this model with an option to perform regression on the general latent dimension.
z = NULL,
burn = iter/2,
type = "2p",
start = list(list(lambda = c(), theta = c(), delta = c(), alpha = c(), beta = c())),
nchains = 1,
progress = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE
x |
matrix of item responses. Responses must be integers where the lowest value is 0 and the highest value is the maximum possible response for the item with no gaps. If a question is asked with 5 possible responses, then the possible values should be c(0,1,2,3,4). For binary items, use c(0,1). |
z |
centered numeric matrix of predictors for the latent regression. Default is 'z = NULL' so that no regression is performed. All columns of this matrix must be numeric. For binary items, use the values c(0,1). For continuous items, center the values on the mean and divide by the standard deviation (normalized). For factors with more than two levels, recode into multiple columns of c(0,1). |
id |
I.D. vector indexing first-order latent dimension membership for each of the first-order latent dimensions. We index starting from zero, not one. If there are three first-order . latent dimensions with 5 questions per dimension, then the vector will look like c(0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2). |
iter |
number of total iterations. |
burn |
number of burn in iterations. |
delta |
tuning parameter for Metropolis-Hanstings algorithm. Alter delta until acceptance.ratio =~ 0.234. |
type |
type of Partial Credit Model to fit. If the partial credit model is desired (i.e. all alpha parameters = 1), then choose 'type = "1p"'. If the Generalized Parial Credit Model is desired, then choose 'type = "2p"'. The default is 'type = "2p"'. |
start |
starting values for the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. |
nchains |
number of independent MCMC chains. Default is 'nchains = 1'. |
progress |
boolean, show progress bar? Defaults to TRUE. |
verbose |
print verbose messages. Defaults to 'FALSE'. Provide a 'list' with the following named arguments: 'list(lambda = c(), theta = c(), delta = c(), alpha = c(), beta = c())'
If you choose specify starting values, then the lengths of the starting value vectors must match the number of parameters in the model. |
A 'list' containing:
post - A 'matrix' of posterior estimates. Rows are the draws and columns are the named parameters.
accept.rate - acceptance rate of MH algorithm
theta - 'matrix' of mean (first column) and standard deviation (second column) of posterior estimates of ability parameters
nT - number of latent factors estimated
args - returns the arguments to hlt
# set seed
# load the asti data set
# shift responses to range from 0 instead of 1
x = as.matrix(asti[, 1:25]) - 1
# subset and transform predictor data
z = asti[, 26:27]
z[, 1] = (z[, 1] == "students") * 1
z[, 2] = (z[, 2] == "male") * 1
z = as.matrix(z)
# specify which items from x belong to each domain
id = c(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4)
# fit the model
mod = hlt(x, z = z, id = id, iter = 20, burn = 10, delta = 0.002)
mod$accept.rate # ideally 0.234
plot(mod, param = "lambda1", type = "trace")
plot(mod, param = "lambda2", type = "trace")
plot(mod, param = "lambda3", type = "trace")
plot(mod, param = "a1", type = "trace")
plot(mod, param = "d2_3", type = "trace")
plot(mod, param = "beta1", type = "trace")
plot(mod, item = 1, type = "icc")
plot(mod, item = 2, type = "icc")
plot(mod, item = 3, type = "icc")
plot(mod, item = 4, type = "icc")
plot(mod, item = 5, type = "icc")
plot(mod, item = 6, type = "icc")
plot(mod, item = 7, type = "icc", min = -10, max = 10)
summary(mod, param = "all")
summary(mod, param = "delta", digits = 2)
summary(mod, param = "lambda")
summary(mod, param = "alpha")
summary(mod, param = "delta")
summary(mod, param = "theta", dimension = 1)
summary(mod, param = "theta", dimension = 2)
summary(mod, param = "theta", dimension = 3)
summary(mod, param = "theta", dimension = 4)
# start from a previous run's solution
post = tail(mod$post, 1)
start = list(lambda = post[1, c("lambda1", "lambda2", "lambda3", "lambda4", "lambda5")],
theta = mod$theta_mean,
delta = post[1, grepl("^[d]", colnames(post))],
alpha = post[1, paste0("a", 1:25)],
beta = post[1, c("beta1", "beta2")])
mod = hlt(x, z = z, id = id, start = start, iter = 20, burn = 10, delta = 0.002)