hkevp.predict {hkevp}R Documentation

Predictive distribution of the max-stable process at target positions.


Computes the predictive distribution of Y()Y(\cdot) at a set of ungauged positions (s1,...,sk)(s_1^*, ..., s_k^*), given data at gauged positions (s1,...,sn)(s_1, ..., s_n), by using the output of or

Two types of prediction are available for the HKEVP, as described in Shaby and Reich (2012). See details.


hkevp.predict(fit, targets, targets.covariates, predict.type = "kriging")



Output from the procedure.


A matrix of real values giving the spatial coordinates of the ungauged positions. Each row corresponds to an ungauged position.


A matrix of real values giving the spatial covariates of the ungauged positions. Must match with the covariates used in or


Character string specifying the type of prediction. Must be one of "kriging" (default) or "climat". See details.


The spatial prediction of Yt(s)Y_t(s^*) for a target site ss^* and a realisation tt of the process is described in Shaby and Reich (2012). This method involves a three-step procedure:

  1. Computation of the residual dependence process θ()\theta(\cdot) at the target positions.

  2. Computation of the conditional GEV parameters (μ,σ,ξ)(\mu^*,\sigma^*,\xi^*) at the target sites. See the definition of the HKEVP in Reich and Shaby (2012).

  3. Generation of Yt(s)Y_t(s^*) from an independent GEV distribution with parameters (μ,σ,ξ)(\mu^*,\sigma^*,\xi^*).

As sketched in Shaby and Reich (2012), two types of prediction are possible: the kriging-type and the climatological-type. These two types differ when the residual dependence process θ\theta is computed (first step of the prediction):

Posterior distribution for each realisation tt of the process and each target position ss^* is represented with a sample where each element corresponds to a step of the MCMC procedure.


A three-dimensional array where:


Quentin Sebille


Reich, B. J., & Shaby, B. A. (2012). A hierarchical max-stable spatial model for extreme precipitation. The annals of applied statistics, 6(4), 1430. <DOI:10.1214/12-AOAS591>

Shaby, B. A., & Reich, B. J. (2012). Bayesian spatial extreme value analysis to assess the changing risk of concurrent high temperatures across large portions of European cropland. Environmetrics, 23(8), 638-648. <DOI:10.1002/env.2178>


# Simulation of HKEVP:
sites <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:3,1:3))
targets <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1.5:2.5,1.5:2.5))
all.pos <- rbind(sites, targets)
knots <- sites
loc <- all.pos[,1]*10
scale <- 3
shape <- 0
alpha <- .4
tau <- 1
ysim <- hkevp.rand(10, all.pos, knots, loc, scale, shape, alpha, tau)
yobs <- ysim[,1:9]

# HKEVP fit (omitting first site, used as target):
fit <-, sites, niter = 1000)

# Extrapolation:
ypred <- hkevp.predict(fit, targets, predict.type = "kriging")

# Plot of the density and the true value for 4 first realizations:
# par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# plot(density(ypred[1,1,]), main = "Target 1 / Year 1")
# abline(v = ysim[1,10], col = 2, lwd = 2)
# plot(density(ypred[2,1,]), main = "Target 1 / Year 2")
# abline(v = ysim[2,10], col = 2, lwd = 2)
# plot(density(ypred[1,2,]), main = "Target 2 / Year 1")
# abline(v = ysim[1,11], col = 2, lwd = 2)
# plot(density(ypred[2,2,]), main = "Target 2 / Year 2")
# abline(v = ysim[2,11], col = 2, lwd = 2)

[Package hkevp version 1.1.5 Index]