Longitudinal Bayesian Historical Borrowing Models

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Documentation for package ‘historicalborrowlong’ version 0.0.8

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historicalborrowlong-package historicalborrowlong: Bayesian longitudinal historical borrowing models for clinical studies.
hbl_convergence Check convergence diagnostics
hbl_data Standardize data
hbl_mcmc_hierarchical Longitudinal hierarchical MCMC
hbl_mcmc_independent Longitudinal independent MCMC
hbl_mcmc_pool Longitudinal pooled MCMC
hbl_mcmc_sge Run all MCMCs on a Sun Grid Engine (SGE) cluster.
hbl_metrics Borrowing metrics
hbl_plot_borrow Plot the hierarchical model response against the benchmark models.
hbl_plot_group Plot the groups of the hierarchical model and its benchmark models.
hbl_plot_tau Plot tau
hbl_sim_hierarchical Non-longitudinal hierarchical simulations.
hbl_sim_independent Longitudinal independent simulations.
hbl_sim_pool Longitudinal pooled simulations.
hbl_summary Model summary
hbl_s_tau Suggest s_tau