crs_120E |
Asia-centred coordinate reference system |
crs_Atlantic |
Atlantic-centred coordinate reference system |
crs_longlat |
Lat-long coordinate reference system |
crs_N |
Arctic-centred coordinate reference system |
crs_Pacific |
Pacific-centred coordinate reference system |
crs_S |
Antarctic-centred coordinate reference system |
find_leg |
Find best non-stop route between 2 airports |
find_route |
Find best route between 2 airports |
find_routes |
Find best routes between airport-pair & aircraft combinations |
GridLat-class |
A grid and lattice combination |
hm_clean_cache |
Clean the route and SID-STAR cache. |
hm_get_test |
Get test data |
hm_load_cache |
Load route and SID/STAR cache |
hm_save_cache |
Save route and SID/STAR cache to file |
mach_kph |
Speed of sound, for Mach to km conversion |
make_aircraft |
Make aircraft data from minimum dataset |
make_airports |
Make or load airport data |
make_AP2 |
Make airport-pair dataset |
make_route_envelope |
Make range-constrained envelope between 2 airports |
make_route_grid |
Make lat-long grid for route finding |
map_routes |
Map a set of routes |
profile_routes |
Profile a set of routes |
st_window |
Version of 'st_transform' with view window to avoid dateline |
summarise_routes |
Summarise a set of routes |