Determining and Evaluating High-Risk Zones

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Documentation for package ‘highriskzone’ version 1.4.9

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highriskzone-package Determining high-risk zones by using spatial point process methodology
bootcor Bootstrap correction to obtain desired failure probability
bootcorr Bootstrap correction to obtain desired failure probability
bootcor_restr Bootstrap correction to obtain desired failure probability
check_det_hrz_input Checks the arguments of det_hrz
check_det_hrz_restr_input Checks the arguments of det_hrz_restr
craterA Bomb crater Point Pattern
craterB Bomb crater Point Pattern
det_alpha calculation of alpha (failure probability), when having the threshold c
det_alpha_eval_ar Determination of failure probability within evaluation area
det_area Calculation of the area of the high-risk zone.
det_area_hole Calculation of the area of the high-risk zone.
det_guard_width Estimation of width of a guard region given an estimated highriskzone
det_hrz Determination of the high-risk zone.
det_hrz_eval_ar Determination of high-risk zone on smaller area of interest (evaluation area) than observation area.
det_hrz_restr Determination of the high-risk zone.
det_nnarea Determination of the area of a high-risk zone using the nearest-neighbour distance.
det_nsintens Determination of the intensity for the Neyman Scott simulation.
det_nsintens_restr Determination of the intensity for the Neyman-Scott simulation.
det_radius Determination of the nearest-neighbour distance which results in a high-risk zone with desired area
det_threshold Calculation of the threshold c, when having failure probability alpha.
det_thresholdfromarea Determination of alpha and the threshold c which results in a high-risk zone with desired area.
det_thresholdfromarea_rest Determination of alpha and the threshold c which results in a high-risk zone with desired area if a hole is present.
det_threshold_eval_ar Determination of necessary threshold to keep alpha in evaluation area
est_intens Estimates the intensity of the point pattern.
est_intens_spde Estimates the intensity of the point pattern by using the SPDE method from r-INLA.
est_intens_weight Estimates the intensity of the point pattern.
eval_hrz Evaluation of the high-risk zone.
eval_method Evaluation of the procedures determining the high-risk zone.
highriskzone Determination of the high-risk zone.
highriskzone.object Determination of the high-risk zone.
package-highriskzone Determining high-risk zones by using spatial point process methodology
plot.bootcorr Visualize the bootstrap correction for a high-risk zone.
plot.highriskzone Plot a high-risk zone
plot.hrzeval Visualize the evaluation of a high-risk zone.
print.bootcorr Print Brief Details of a bootstrap correction for a high-risk zone
print.highriskzone Print Brief Details of a high-risk zone
print.hrzeval Print Brief Details of an evaluation of a high-risk zone
read_pppdata Read data, so it can be used for high-risk zone methodology.
sim_intens Simulation on given intensity
sim_nsppp Generation of a realisation of a Neyman-Scott process
sim_nsprocess Simulation of the Neyman-Scott process.
summary.bootcorr Summary of a the bootstrap correction for a high-risk zone
summary.highriskzone Summary of a high-risk zone
summary.hrzeval Summary of a the evaluation of a high-risk zone
thin Thinning of the observations (for evaluating the method)