rgb2hex {highlightHTML} | R Documentation |
Convert RGB to hex
Enter a list of RGB color codes, or R colors, and get the appropriate hex color code.
rgb2hex(rgbcode = NULL, rcolor = NULL)
rgbcode |
List of rgb color codes, each list must be a vector of three objects representing the three components of rgb color code from 0 - 255. This can be a named list where the name represents the name of the color to be used. |
rcolor |
An unnamed list of R color names. |
rgb2hex(rcolor = list("sienna2", "thistle1"))
rgb2hex(rcolor = list("sienna2", "thistle1"), rgbcode = list('orange' = c(238, 74, 24),
'raw umber' = c(113, 75, 35)))
rgb2hex(rgbcode = list('orange' = c(238, 74, 24), 'raw umber' = c(113, 75, 35)))
[Package highlightHTML version 0.2.5 Index]