getLiquidityMeasures {highfrequency}R Documentation

Compute Liquidity Measure


Function returns an xts or data.table object containing 23 liquidity measures. Please see details below.

Note that this assumes a regular time grid.


getLiquidityMeasures(tqData, win = 300)



A data.table or xts object as in the highfrequency merged trades and quotes data.


A windows length for the forward-prices used for ‘realized’ spread


NOTE: xts or data.table should only contain one day of observations Some markets have publish information about whether it was a buyer or a seller who initiated the trade. This information can be passed in a column DIRECTION this column must only have 1 or -1 as values.

The respective liquidity measures are defined as follows:


A modified (enlarged) xts or data.table with the new measures.


Bessembinder, H. (2003). Issues in assessing trade execution costs. Journal of Financial Markets, 223-257.

Boehmer, E. (2005). Dimensions of execution quality: Recent evidence for US equity markets. Journal of Financial Economics, 78, 553-582.

Hasbrouck, J. and Seppi, D. J. (2001). Common factors in prices, order flows and liquidity. Journal of Financial Economics, 59, 383-411.

Venkataraman, K. (2001). Automated versus floor trading: An analysis of execution costs on the Paris and New York exchanges. The Journal of Finance, 56, 1445-1485.


tqData <- matchTradesQuotes(sampleTData[as.Date(DT) == "2018-01-02"], 
                            sampleQData[as.Date(DT) == "2018-01-02"])
res <- getLiquidityMeasures(tqData)

[Package highfrequency version 1.0.1 Index]