A Wrapper for the 'Highcharts' Library

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Documentation for package ‘highcharter’ version 0.9.4

Help Pages

C D E F G H I J L M P R S T U V W misc

-- C --

citytemp City temperatures from a year in wide format
citytemp_long City temperatures from a year in long format
colorize Create vector of color from vector
color_classes Function to create 'dataClasses' argument in 'hc_colorAxis'
color_stops Function to create 'stops' argument in 'hc_colorAxis'
create_axis Creating multiples yAxis t use with highcharts
create_yaxis Creating multiples yAxis t use with highcharts

-- D --

data_to_boxplot Helper to transform data frame for boxplot highcharts format
data_to_hierarchical Helper to transform data frame for treemap/sunburst highcharts format
data_to_sankey Helper to transform data frame for sankey highcharts format
datetime_to_timestamp Date to timestamps
df_to_annotations_labels Function to create annotations arguments from a data frame
download_map_data Helper function to download the map data form a url
dt_tstp Date to timestamps

-- E --

export_hc Function to export js file the configuration options

-- F --

favorite_bars Marshall's Favorite Bars
favorite_pies Marshall's Favorite Pies
fa_icon Helpers functions to get FontAwesome icons code
fa_icon_mark Helpers functions to get FontAwesome icons code

-- G --

get_data_from_map Helper function to get the data inside the map data The urls are listed in <https://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/>.
get_hc_series_from_df Auxiliar function to get series and options from tidy frame for hchart.data.frame
globaltemp globaltemp

-- H --

hcaes Define aesthetic mappings. Similar in spirit to 'ggplot2::aes'
hcaes_ Define aesthetic mappings using strings. Similar in spirit to 'ggplot2::aes_string'
hcaes_string Define aesthetic mappings using strings. Similar in spirit to 'ggplot2::aes_string'
hcboxplot Shortcut to make a boxplot
hchart Create a highchart object from a particular data type
hchart.survfit Plot survival curves using Highcharts
hciconarray Shortcut to make icon arrays charts
hcmap Shortcut for create map from <https://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/> collection.
hcparcords Shortcut to create parallel coordinates
hcpxy_add_point Add point to a series of a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_add_series Add data to higchartProxy element
hcpxy_loading Show or hide loading text for a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_redraw Redraw a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_remove_point Remove point to a series of a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_remove_series Remove series to higchartProxy element
hcpxy_set_data Update data for a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_update Update options for a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_update_point Update options series in a higchartProxy object
hcpxy_update_series Update options series in a higchartProxy object
hcspark Shortcut to make spkarlines
hctreemap Shortcut for create treemaps
hctreemap2 Shortcut to create treemaps.
hc_add_annotation Helper to add annotations from data frame or list
hc_add_annotations Helper to add annotations from data frame or list
hc_add_dependency Add modules or plugin dependencies to highcharts objects
hc_add_dependency_fa Helpers functions to get FontAwesome icons code
hc_add_event_point Helpers to use highcharter as input in shiny apps
hc_add_event_series Helpers to use highcharter as input in shiny apps
hc_add_series Adding data to highchart objects
hc_add_series.character hc_add_series for character and factor objects
hc_add_series.data.frame hc_add_series for data frames objects
hc_add_series.density hc_add_series for density objects
hc_add_series.factor hc_add_series for character and factor objects
hc_add_series.forecast hc_add_series for forecast objects
hc_add_series.geo_json hc_add_series for geo_json & geo_list objects
hc_add_series.geo_list hc_add_series for geo_json & geo_list objects
hc_add_series.lm hc_add_series for lm and loess objects
hc_add_series.loess hc_add_series for lm and loess objects
hc_add_series.numeric 'hc_add_series' for numeric objects
hc_add_series.ohlc hc_add_series for xts objects
hc_add_series.ts hc_add_series for time series objects
hc_add_series.xts hc_add_series for xts objects
hc_add_series_list Shortcut for data series from a list of data series
hc_add_series_map Add a map series
hc_add_theme Add themes to a highchart object
hc_add_yAxis Creating multiples yAxis t use with highcharts
hc_annotations Annotations options for highcharter objects
hc_boost Boost options for highcharter objects
hc_caption Caption options for highcharter objects
hc_chart Chart options for highcharter objects
hc_colorAxis Coloraxis options for highcharter objects
hc_colors Colors options for highcharter objects
hc_credits Credits options for highcharter objects
hc_drilldown Drilldown options for highcharter objects
hc_elementId Setting 'elementId'
hc_exporting Exporting options for highcharter objects
hc_labels Labels options for highcharter objects
hc_legend Legend options for highcharter objects
hc_loading Loading options for highcharter objects
hc_mapNavigation Mapnavigation options for highcharter objects
hc_motion Setting Motion options to highcharts objects
hc_navigator Navigator options for highcharter objects
hc_pane Pane options for highcharter objects
hc_plotOptions Plotoptions options for highcharter objects
hc_rangeSelector Rangeselector options for highcharter objects
hc_responsive Responsive options for highcharter objects
hc_rm_series Removing series to highchart objects
hc_scrollbar Scrollbar options for highcharter objects
hc_series Series options for highcharter objects
hc_size Changing the size of a 'highchart' object
hc_subtitle Subtitle options for highcharter objects
hc_theme Creating highcharter themes
hc_theme_538 Theme collection for highcharts
hc_theme_alone Alone theme for highcharts
hc_theme_bloom Bloomberg Graphics theme for highcharts
hc_theme_chalk Chalk theme for highcharts
hc_theme_darkunica Dark Unica theme for highcharts
hc_theme_db Dotabuff theme for highcharts
hc_theme_economist Economist theme for highcharts
hc_theme_elementary Elementary (OS) theme for highcharts
hc_theme_ffx Firefox theme for highcharts
hc_theme_flat Flat theme for highcharts
hc_theme_flatdark Flatdark theme for highcharts
hc_theme_ft Financial Times theme for highcharts
hc_theme_ggplot2 ggplot2 theme for highcharts
hc_theme_google Google theme for highcharts
hc_theme_gridlight Grid Light theme for highcharts
hc_theme_handdrawn Hand Drawn theme for highcharts
hc_theme_hcrt Highcharter theme for highcharts
hc_theme_merge Merge themes
hc_theme_monokai Monokai theme for highcharts
hc_theme_null Null theme for highcharts
hc_theme_sandsignika Sand Signika theme for highcharts
hc_theme_smpl Simple theme for highcharts
hc_theme_sparkline Sparkline theme for highcharts
hc_theme_sparkline_vb Theme collection for highcharts
hc_theme_superheroes Superheroes theme for highcharts
hc_theme_tufte Tufte theme for highcharts
hc_theme_tufte2 Theme collection for highcharts
hc_title Title options for highcharter objects
hc_tooltip Tooltip options for highcharter objects
hc_xAxis Xaxis options for highcharter objects
hc_xAxis_multiples Creating multiples yAxis t use with highcharts
hc_yAxis Yaxis options for highcharter objects
hc_yAxis_multiples Creating multiples yAxis t use with highcharts
hc_zAxis Zaxis options for highcharter objects
hc_zAxis_multiples Creating multiples yAxis t use with highcharts
hex_to_rgba Transform colors from hexadecimal format to rgba hc notation
highchart Create a Highcharts chart widget
highchart2 Create a Highcharts chart widget
highcharter An 'htmlwidget' interface to the Highcharts javascript chart library
highcharter-exports highcharter exported operators and S3 methods
highchartOutput Widget output function for use in Shiny
highchartOutput2 Widget output function for use in Shiny
highchartOutputZ Widget output function for use in Shiny
highchartProxy Send commands to a Highcharts instance in a Shiny app
highcharts_demo Chart a demo for testing themes
highchartzero Create a Highcharts chart widget
hw_grid Lays out highchart widgets into a "grid", similar to 'grid.arrange' from 'gridExtra'.

-- I --

is.hexcolor Check if a string vector is in hexadecimal color format
is.highchart Reports whether x is a highchart object

-- J --

JS highcharter exported operators and S3 methods

-- L --

list_parse Convert an object to list with identical structure
list_parse2 Convert an object to list with identical structure

-- M --

mountains_panorama Visual comparison of Mountains Panorama
mutate_mapping Modify data frame according to mapping

-- P --

pokemon pokemon

-- R --

random_id Function to generate iids
renderHighchart Widget render function for use in Shiny
renderHighchart2 Widget render function for use in Shiny
renderHighchartZ Widget render function for use in Shiny

-- S --

stars stars
str_to_id String to 'id' format
str_to_id_vec String to 'id' format

-- T --

tags highcharter exported operators and S3 methods
tooltip_chart Helper to create charts in tooltips.
tooltip_table Helper for make table in tooltips

-- U --

unemployment US Counties unemployment rate
uscountygeojson US Counties map in Geojson format (list)
usgeojson US States map in Geojson format (list)

-- V --

vaccines Vaccines

-- W --

weather Weather
worldgeojson World map in Geojson format (list)

-- misc --

%>% highcharter exported operators and S3 methods