hcaes |
Define aesthetic mappings. Similar in spirit to 'ggplot2::aes' |
hcaes_ |
Define aesthetic mappings using strings. Similar in spirit to 'ggplot2::aes_string' |
hcaes_string |
Define aesthetic mappings using strings. Similar in spirit to 'ggplot2::aes_string' |
hcboxplot |
Shortcut to make a boxplot |
hchart |
Create a highchart object from a particular data type |
hchart.survfit |
Plot survival curves using Highcharts |
hciconarray |
Shortcut to make icon arrays charts |
hcmap |
Shortcut for create map from <https://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/> collection. |
hcparcords |
Shortcut to create parallel coordinates |
hcpxy_add_point |
Add point to a series of a higchartProxy object |
hcpxy_add_series |
Add data to higchartProxy element |
hcpxy_loading |
Show or hide loading text for a higchartProxy object |
hcpxy_redraw |
Redraw a higchartProxy object |
hcpxy_remove_point |
Remove point to a series of a higchartProxy object |
hcpxy_remove_series |
Remove series to higchartProxy element |
hcpxy_set_data |
Update data for a higchartProxy object |
hcpxy_update |
Update options for a higchartProxy object |
hcpxy_update_point |
Update options series in a higchartProxy object |
hcpxy_update_series |
Update options series in a higchartProxy object |
hcspark |
Shortcut to make spkarlines |
hctreemap |
Shortcut for create treemaps |
hctreemap2 |
Shortcut to create treemaps. |
hc_add_annotation |
Helper to add annotations from data frame or list |
hc_add_annotations |
Helper to add annotations from data frame or list |
hc_add_dependency |
Add modules or plugin dependencies to highcharts objects |
hc_add_dependency_fa |
Helpers functions to get FontAwesome icons code |
hc_add_event_point |
Helpers to use highcharter as input in shiny apps |
hc_add_event_series |
Helpers to use highcharter as input in shiny apps |
hc_add_series |
Adding data to highchart objects |
hc_add_series.character |
hc_add_series for character and factor objects |
hc_add_series.data.frame |
hc_add_series for data frames objects |
hc_add_series.density |
hc_add_series for density objects |
hc_add_series.factor |
hc_add_series for character and factor objects |
hc_add_series.forecast |
hc_add_series for forecast objects |
hc_add_series.geo_json |
hc_add_series for geo_json & geo_list objects |
hc_add_series.geo_list |
hc_add_series for geo_json & geo_list objects |
hc_add_series.lm |
hc_add_series for lm and loess objects |
hc_add_series.loess |
hc_add_series for lm and loess objects |
hc_add_series.numeric |
'hc_add_series' for numeric objects |
hc_add_series.ohlc |
hc_add_series for xts objects |
hc_add_series.ts |
hc_add_series for time series objects |
hc_add_series.xts |
hc_add_series for xts objects |
hc_add_series_list |
Shortcut for data series from a list of data series |
hc_add_series_map |
Add a map series |
hc_add_theme |
Add themes to a highchart object |
hc_add_yAxis |
Creating multiples yAxis t use with highcharts |
hc_annotations |
Annotations options for highcharter objects |
hc_boost |
Boost options for highcharter objects |
hc_caption |
Caption options for highcharter objects |
hc_chart |
Chart options for highcharter objects |
hc_colorAxis |
Coloraxis options for highcharter objects |
hc_colors |
Colors options for highcharter objects |
hc_credits |
Credits options for highcharter objects |
hc_drilldown |
Drilldown options for highcharter objects |
hc_elementId |
Setting 'elementId' |
hc_exporting |
Exporting options for highcharter objects |
hc_labels |
Labels options for highcharter objects |
hc_legend |
Legend options for highcharter objects |
hc_loading |
Loading options for highcharter objects |
hc_mapNavigation |
Mapnavigation options for highcharter objects |
hc_motion |
Setting Motion options to highcharts objects |
hc_navigator |
Navigator options for highcharter objects |
hc_pane |
Pane options for highcharter objects |
hc_plotOptions |
Plotoptions options for highcharter objects |
hc_rangeSelector |
Rangeselector options for highcharter objects |
hc_responsive |
Responsive options for highcharter objects |
hc_rm_series |
Removing series to highchart objects |
hc_scrollbar |
Scrollbar options for highcharter objects |
hc_series |
Series options for highcharter objects |
hc_size |
Changing the size of a 'highchart' object |
hc_subtitle |
Subtitle options for highcharter objects |
hc_theme |
Creating highcharter themes |
hc_theme_538 |
Theme collection for highcharts |
hc_theme_alone |
Alone theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_bloom |
Bloomberg Graphics theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_chalk |
Chalk theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_darkunica |
Dark Unica theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_db |
Dotabuff theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_economist |
Economist theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_elementary |
Elementary (OS) theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_ffx |
Firefox theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_flat |
Flat theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_flatdark |
Flatdark theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_ft |
Financial Times theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_ggplot2 |
ggplot2 theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_google |
Google theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_gridlight |
Grid Light theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_handdrawn |
Hand Drawn theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_hcrt |
Highcharter theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_merge |
Merge themes |
hc_theme_monokai |
Monokai theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_null |
Null theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_sandsignika |
Sand Signika theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_smpl |
Simple theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_sparkline |
Sparkline theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_sparkline_vb |
Theme collection for highcharts |
hc_theme_superheroes |
Superheroes theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_tufte |
Tufte theme for highcharts |
hc_theme_tufte2 |
Theme collection for highcharts |
hc_title |
Title options for highcharter objects |
hc_tooltip |
Tooltip options for highcharter objects |
hc_xAxis |
Xaxis options for highcharter objects |
hc_xAxis_multiples |
Creating multiples yAxis t use with highcharts |
hc_yAxis |
Yaxis options for highcharter objects |
hc_yAxis_multiples |
Creating multiples yAxis t use with highcharts |
hc_zAxis |
Zaxis options for highcharter objects |
hc_zAxis_multiples |
Creating multiples yAxis t use with highcharts |
hex_to_rgba |
Transform colors from hexadecimal format to rgba hc notation |
highchart |
Create a Highcharts chart widget |
highchart2 |
Create a Highcharts chart widget |
highcharter |
An 'htmlwidget' interface to the Highcharts javascript chart library |
highcharter-exports |
highcharter exported operators and S3 methods |
highchartOutput |
Widget output function for use in Shiny |
highchartOutput2 |
Widget output function for use in Shiny |
highchartOutputZ |
Widget output function for use in Shiny |
highchartProxy |
Send commands to a Highcharts instance in a Shiny app |
highcharts_demo |
Chart a demo for testing themes |
highchartzero |
Create a Highcharts chart widget |
hw_grid |
Lays out highchart widgets into a "grid", similar to 'grid.arrange' from 'gridExtra'. |