coicop {hicp}R Documentation

Working with COICOP codes


Function is.coicop() checks if the input is a valid COICOP code while level() returns the COICOP level (e.g. division or subclass). Function parent() derives the higher-level parent of a COICOP code if available in the data supplied. The function child() does the same for lower-level children.


is.coicop(id, settings=list())

level(id, label=FALSE, settings=list())

child(id, flag=TRUE, direct=FALSE, settings=list())

parent(id, flag=TRUE, direct=FALSE, settings=list())



character vector of COICOP ids.


logical indicating if the number of digits or the labels (e.g., division, subclass) should be returned.


for flag=TRUE, parent or child codes are available in the data are flagged by a logical. Otherwise, the parent or child codes are returned.


logical indicating if only direct relatives should be flagged as TRUE (e.g. 03->031) or also indirect relatives (e.g. 03->0311) if direct relatives in between are missing.


a list of control settings to be used. The following settings are supported:

  • coicop.version : character specifying the COICOP version to be used when checking for valid COICOP codes. See details for the allowed values. The default is getOption("hicp.coicop.version").

  • unbundle : logical indicating if COICOP bundles (e.g. 08X, 0531_2) as defined in coicop.bundles should be taken into account or not. The default is getOption("hicp.unbundle").

  • all.items.code : character specifying the code internally used for the all-items index. The default is taken from getOption("hicp.all.items.code"). Not used by is.coicop().


The following COICOP versions are supported:

None of the COICOP versions include a code for the all-items index. The internal package code for the all-items index is globally defined by options(hicp.all.items.code="00") but can be changed by the user. The level() is always 1.

If settings$unbundle=TRUE, COICOP bundle codes are resolved into their component ids and processed in that way. By contrast, if settings$unbundle=FALSE, COICOP bundle codes are internally set to NA. Consequently, they can't be a parent or a child of some other COICOP code.


Function is.coicop() returns a logical vector and function level() a numeric vector. If argument flag=TRUE, functions parent() and child() both return a logical vector. If flag=FALSE, parent() gives a character vector, while child() returns a list. In any case, all function outputs have the same length as id.


Sebastian Weinand

See Also

unbundle, tree



# validity of coicop id:
is.coicop(id=c("00","CP00","13","08X"), settings=list(unbundle=TRUE))
is.coicop(id=c("00","CP00","13","08X"), settings=list(unbundle=FALSE))

# coicop level:
level(id=c("00","05","053","0531_2"), label=TRUE)

# check for children in data:
child(id=c("0111"), flag=FALSE) # false, no child found
child(id=c("0111", "01"), flag=FALSE, direct=TRUE) # still false
child(id=c("0111", "01"), flag=FALSE, direct=FALSE) # now TRUE

# check for parent in data, including coicop bundles:
ids <- c("053","0531_2","05311","05321")
parent(id=ids, flag=FALSE, direct=TRUE, settings=list(unbundle=FALSE))
parent(id=ids, flag=FALSE, direct=TRUE, settings=list(unbundle=TRUE))


# set cores for testing on CRAN:

# load hicp item weights:
coicops <- hicp.dataimport(id="prc_hicp_inw", filter=list(geo="EA"))
coicops <- coicops[grepl("^CP", coicop),]
coicops[, "coicop":=gsub("^CP", "", coicop)]

# get frequency of coicop levels:
coicops[, .N, by=list(time, "lvl"=level(coicop))]

# get coicop parent from the data:
coicops[, "parent":=parent(id=coicop, flag=FALSE), by="time"]

# flag if coicop has child available in the data:
coicops[, "has_child":=child(id=coicop, flag=TRUE), by="time"]
coicops[has_child==FALSE, sum(values, na.rm=TRUE), by="time"]
# coicop bundles and their component ids are both taken into
# account. this double counting explains some differences

[Package hicp version 0.6.1 Index]