Hierarchical and Geographically Weighted Regression

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Documentation for package ‘hgwrr’ version 0.3-0

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hgwrr-package HGWR: Hierarchical and Geographically Weighted Regression
coef.hgwrm Get estimated coefficients.
fitted.hgwrm Get fitted reponse.
hgwr Hierarchical and Geographically Weighted Regression
hgwrr HGWR: Hierarchical and Geographically Weighted Regression
matrix2char Convert a numeric matrix to character matrix according to a format string.
multisampling Simulated Spatial Multisampling Data (DataFrame)
multisampling.large Large Scale Simulated Spatial Multisampling Data (DataFrame)
parse.formula Parse a HGWR formula.
print.hgwrm Print description of a 'hgwrm' object.
print.summary.hgwrm Print summary of an 'hgwrm' object.
print.table.md Print a character matrix as a table.
residuals.hgwrm Get residuals.
stack.pop Parse a HGWR formula.
stack.push Parse a HGWR formula.
summary.hgwrm Summary an 'hgwrm' object.
wuhan.hp Wuhan Second-hand House Price and POI Data (DataFrame)