as.character.rawBlock |
Convert Block of Binary Data into Strings |
as.character.rawFormat |
Convert Binary File Format into Strings |
ASCIIchar |
Create an atomicBlock Object |
ASCIIline |
Create a vectorBlock Object |
atomicBlock |
Create an atomicBlock Object |
blockString |
Extract the Value of a Binary Block |
blockValue |
Extract the Value of a Binary Block |
hexViewFile |
Specify an Example File |
integer1 |
Create an atomicBlock Object |
integer2 |
Create an atomicBlock Object |
integer3 |
Create an atomicBlock Object |
integer4 |
Create an atomicBlock Object |
integer8 |
Create an atomicBlock Object |
lengthBlock |
Create a vectorBlock Object |
markedBlock |
Create a markedBlock Object |
memBlock |
Create a memBlock Object |
memFormat |
Create a memFormat Object |
mixedBlock |
Create a mixedBlock Object |
print.rawBlock |
Print Method for Block of Binary Data |
print.rawFormat |
Print Method for Binary File Format |
readEViews |
Read an Eviews File |
readFormat |
Read a Binary File |
readRaw |
Read the Raw Binary Content of a File |
real4 |
Create an atomicBlock Object |
real8 |
Create an atomicBlock Object |
vectorBlock |
Create a vectorBlock Object |
viewFormat |
View a Binary File |
viewRaw |
View the Raw Binary Content of a File |