tlm {hett}R Documentation

Maximum likelihood estimation for heteroscedastic t regression


Fits a heteroscedastic t regression to given data for known and unknown degrees of freedom.


tlm(lform, sform =  ~ 1, data = NULL, subset = NULL, contrasts =
    NULL, na.action =, start = NULL, control = tlm.control(...),
    obs = FALSE, estDof = FALSE, ... )

## S3 method for class 'tlm'
print(x, ...)



an object of class "tlm"


a formula of the type response ~ terms, where terms can be of the form, for example, first + second or first*second(see lm for details)


a formula of the type ~ terms, where terms can be of the form, for example, first + second or first*second(see lm for details).


the data in the form of a data.frame where the column names can be matched to the variable names supplied in lform and sform


numerical vector to subset the data argument


set of contrasts for the location model (see contrasts.arg for details)


the action to proceed with in the event of NA's in the response. Currently NA's are not allowed and therefore is the sole argument.


is a list of possibly four named components, ("beta", "lambda", "dof", "omega"), for the location, scale, degrees of freedom parameters and random scale effects respectively. Each component must be of the appropriate length.


is an argument to a function that maintains the control of the algorithm. The tlm.control()function contains the arguments, epsilon to determine how small the relative difference of likelihoods should be for convergence (default is 1e-07), maxit to determine the maximum iterations required (default = 50), trace if the user requires printing of estimates etc. as algorithm runs (default = FALSE), verboseLev to determine the amount of verbose printing to the screen as the algorithm runs (verboseLev = 1 displays location scale and dof estimates and the likelihood, verboseLev = 2 displays all of 1 plus the random scale effects)


should the location parameters be calculated using the observed or expected information(default = FALSE). (Note: using the observed information does not calculate the appropriate standard errors, see DETAILS)


should the degrees of freedom parameter be estimated or not. If FALSE then the value given for dof in the start argument will be the fixed value used for the algorithm. If TRUE then the value given for dof in the start argument supplies an initial value only.


arguments passed to tlm.control() or to the print method


When the degrees of freedom is unknown the code uses the non-linear optimiser nlm. If the response (and therefore the errors) is tending toward a Gaussian this optimisation will still converge but with with very high degrees of freedom.

To obtain the appropriate standard errors from summary the user must specify the argument obs = F to ensure that the location parameter is calculated using the expected information.


a list containing the following components:

an object containing the estimated location parameters and other elements associated with the location parameter model

an object containing the estimated scale parameters and other elements associated with the scale parameter model


the random scale effects


fixed or estimated degrees of freedom


the standard error associated with the degrees of freedom


the number of iterations of the algorithm


the maximised log-likelihood


the time taken for the algorithm to converge


The theoretical background for this function can be found in Taylor and Verbyla (2004).


Julian Taylor


Taylor, J. D. & Verbyla, A. P (2004). Joint modelling of the location and scale parameters of the t-distribution. Statistical Modelling 4, 91-112.

See Also



data(mm, package = "hett")

## fit a model with no heteroscedasticity and fixed degrees of freedom

tfit <- tlm(m.marietta ~ CRSP, data = mm, start = list(dof = 3))

## fit a model with heteroscedasticity and fixed degrees of freedom

tfit1 <- tlm(m.marietta ~ CRSP, ~ CRSP, data = mm, start = list(dof = 3))

## fit a model with heteroscedasticity and estimating the degrees of freedom

tfit2 <- tlm(m.marietta ~ CRSP, ~ CRSP, data = mm,
start = list(dof = 3), estDof = TRUE)

[Package hett version 0.3-3 Index]