simul.CRNGP {hetGP}R Documentation

Fast conditional simulation for a CRNGP model


Fast conditional simulation for a CRNGP model


## S3 method for class 'CRNGP'
  ids = NULL,
  nsim = 1,
  eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
  seqseeds = TRUE,
  check = TRUE



a CRNGP model obtained with mleCRNGP


matrix of (x, seed) locations where the simulation is performed. The last column MUST correspond to seeds values. Xgrid must also contain the evaluated designs (e.g., in object$X0). All design locations are matched with all seed values, either by increasing seed values or repeating the seed sequence.


vector of indices corresponding to observed values in Xgrid


number of simulations to return


jitter used in the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix for numerical stability


is the seed sequence repeated (e.g., 1 2 3 1 2 3), else it is assumed to be ordered (e.g., 1 1 2 2 3 3)


if TRUE, check that Xgrid has the proper structure (slower)


A matrix of size nrow(Xgrid) x nsim.


Chiles, J. P., & Delfiner, P. (2012). Geostatistics: modeling spatial uncertainty (Vol. 713). John Wiley & Sons.

Chevalier, C.; Emery, X.; Ginsbourger, D. Fast Update of Conditional Simulation Ensembles Mathematical Geosciences, 2014


## Not run: 
## Example: Homoskedastic GP modeling on 2d sims
nx <- 31
ns <- 5
d <- 2
x <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(0,1, length.out = nx), seq(0,1, length.out = nx)))
s <- matrix(seq(1, ns, length.out = ns))
Xgrid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(1, ns, length.out = ns), seq(0,1, length.out = nx), 
                               seq(0,1, length.out = nx)))
Xgrid <- Xgrid[,c(2, 3, 1)]
g <- 1e-6
theta <- c(0.2, 0.5)
KX <- cov_gen(x, theta = theta)
rho <- 0.33
KS <- matrix(rho, ns, ns)
diag(KS) <- 1

YY <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = rep(0, nx*nx*ns), Sigma = kronecker(KX, KS) + g * diag(nx*nx*ns))
YYmat <- matrix(YY, ns, nx*nx)
filled.contour(matrix(YYmat[1,], nx))
filled.contour(matrix(YYmat[2,], nx))

ids <- sample(1:nrow(Xgrid), 80)
X0 <- Xgrid[ids,]
Y0 <-  YY[ids]

# For 3d visualization
# library(rgl)
# plot3d(Xgrid[,1], Xgrid[,2], YY, col = 1 + (Xgrid[,3] - 1) %% 6)
# points3d(X0[,1], X0[,2], Y0, size = 10, col = 1 + ((X0[,3] - 1) %% 6))

model <- mleCRNGP(X0, Y0, known = list(g = 1e-6))

preds <- predict(model, x = Xgrid, xprime = Xgrid)
# surface3d(unique(Xgrid[1:nx^2,1]),unique(Xgrid[,2]), matrix(YY[Xgrid[,3]==1], nx), 
#   front = "lines", back = "lines")
# aspect3d(1, 1, 1)
# surface3d(unique(Xgrid[1:nx^2,1]),unique(Xgrid[,2]), matrix(preds$mean[Xgrid[,3]==1], nx), 
#   front = "lines", back = "lines", col = "red")

# Conditional realizations (classical way)
t0 <- Sys.time()
SigmaCond <- 1/2 * (preds$cov + t(preds$cov))
sims <- t(chol(SigmaCond + diag(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), nrow(Xgrid)))) %*% rnorm(nrow(Xgrid))
sims <- sims + preds$mean
print(difftime(Sys.time(), t0))
# sims <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = preds$mean, Sigma = 1/2 * (preds$cov + t(preds$cov)))
# plot3d(X0[,1], X0[,2], Y0, size = 10, col = 1 + ((X0[,3] - 1) %% 6))
# surface3d(unique(x[,1]), unique(x[,2]), matrix(sims[Xgrid[,3] == 1], nx), col = 1, 
#   front = "lines", back = "lines")
# surface3d(unique(x[,1]), unique(x[,2]), matrix(sims[Xgrid[,3] == 2], nx), col = 2, 
#   front = "lines", back = "lines")

# Alternative for conditional realizations 
# (note: here the design points are part of the simulation points)
t0 <- Sys.time()
condreas <- simul(model, Xgrid, ids = ids)
print(difftime(Sys.time(), t0))
# plot3d(X0[,1], X0[,2], Y0, size = 10, col = 1 + ((X0[,3] - 1) %% 6))
# surface3d(unique(x[,1]), unique(x[,2]), matrix(condreas[Xgrid[,3] == 1], nx), col = 1, 
#   front = "lines", back = "lines")
# surface3d(unique(x[,1]), unique(x[,2]), matrix(condreas[Xgrid[,3] == 2], nx), col = 2, 
#   front = "lines", back = "lines")

# Alternative using ordered seeds:
Xgrid2 <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(0,1, length.out = nx), 
  seq(0,1, length.out = nx), seq(1, ns, length.out = ns)))
condreas2 <- simul(model, Xgrid2, ids = ids, seqseeds = FALSE)

## Check that values at X0 are coherent:
# condreas[ids,1] - Y0
# sims[ids,1] - Y0

## Check that the empirical mean/covariance is correct
condreas2 <- simul(model, Xgrid, ids = ids, nsim = 1000)
print(range(rowMeans(condreas2) - preds$mean))
print(range(cov(t(condreas2)) - preds$cov))

## End(Not run)

[Package hetGP version 1.1.6 Index]