mleCRNGP {hetGP}R Documentation

Gaussian process modeling with correlated noise


Gaussian process regression when seed (or trajectory) information is provided, based on maximum likelihood estimation of the hyperparameters. Trajectory handling involves observing all times for any given seed.


  T0 = NULL,
  stype = c("none", "XS"),
  lower = NULL,
  upper = NULL,
  known = NULL,
  noiseControl = list(g_bounds = c(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * 10, 100), rho_bounds =
    c(0.001, 0.9)),
  init = NULL,
  covtype = c("Gaussian", "Matern5_2", "Matern3_2"),
  maxit = 100,
  eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
  settings = list(return.Ki = TRUE, factr = 1e+07)



matrix of all designs, one per row. The last column is assumed to contain the integer seed value.


vector of all observations. If ts is provided, the Z is a matrix of size nrow(X) x length(ts).


optional vector of times (same for all Xs)


structural assumptions, options include:

  • none: no structure, regular matrix inversion is used (only when no time is present);

When time is present, the Kronecker structure is always used (the alternative is to provide times as an extra variable in X) Using the Kronecker structure becomes efficient when the product (nx x ns) x nt becomes large.

lower, upper

optional bounds for the theta parameter (see cov_gen for the exact parameterization). In the multivariate case, it is possible to give vectors for bounds (resp. scalars) for anisotropy (resp. isotropy)


optional list of known parameters, e.g., beta0, theta, g or rho.


list with element,

  • g_bounds, vector providing minimal and maximal noise to signal ratio;

  • rho_bounds, vector providing minimal and maximal correlation between seed values, in [0,1];


optional list specifying starting values for MLE optimization, with elements:

  • theta_init initial value of the theta parameters to be optimized over (default to 10% of the range determined with lower and upper)

  • g_init initial value of the nugget parameter to be optimized over.

  • rho_init initial value of the seed correlation parameter.


covariance kernel type, either 'Gaussian', 'Matern5_2' or 'Matern3_2', see cov_gen


maximum number of iteration for L-BFGS-B of optim


jitter used in the inversion of the covariance matrix for numerical stability


list with argument return.Ki, to include the inverse covariance matrix in the object for further use (e.g., prediction). Arguments factr (default to 1e9) and pgtol are available to be passed to control for L-BFGS-B in optim.


The global covariance matrix of the model is parameterized as nu_hat * (Cx + g Id) * Cs = nu_hat * K, with Cx the spatial correlation matrix between unique designs, depending on the family of kernel used (see cov_gen for available choices) and values of lengthscale parameters. Cs is the correlation matrix between seed values, equal to 1 if the seeds are equal, rho otherwise. nu_hat is the plugin estimator of the variance of the process.

Compared to mleHomGP, here the replications have a specific identifier, i.e., the seed.


a list which is given the S3 class "CRNGP", with elements:


This function is experimental at this time and could evolve in the future.


Xi Chen, Bruce E Ankenman, and Barry L Nelson. The effects of common random numbers on stochastic kriging metamodels. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), 22(2):1-20, 2012.

Michael Pearce, Matthias Poloczek, and Juergen Branke. Bayesian simulation optimization with common random numbers. In 2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), pages 3492-3503. IEEE, 2019.

A Fadikar, M Binois, N Collier, A Stevens, KB Toh, J Ozik. Trajectory-oriented optimization of stochastic epidemiological models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.03926

See Also

predict.CRNGP for predictions, simul.CRNGP for generating conditional simulation on a Kronecker grid. summary and plot functions are available as well.


## Example 1: CRN GP modeling on 1d sims
#' set.seed(42)
nx <- 50
ns <- 5
x <- matrix(seq(0,1, length.out = nx), nx)
s <- matrix(seq(1, ns, length.out = ns))
g <- 1e-3
theta <- 0.01
KX <- cov_gen(x, theta = theta)
rho <- 0.3
KS <- matrix(rho, ns, ns)
diag(KS) <- 1
YY <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = rep(0, nx*ns), Sigma = kronecker(KX, KS) + g * diag(nx*ns))
YYmat <- matrix(YY, ns, nx)
matplot(x, t(YYmat), pch = 1, type = "b", lty = 3)

Xgrid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(s, x))
Xgrid <- cbind(Xgrid[,2], Xgrid[,1])
ids <- sample(1:nrow(Xgrid), 20)
X0 <- Xgrid[ids,]
Y0 <-  YY[ids]
points(X0[,1], Y0, pch = 20, col = 1 + ((X0[,2] - 1) %% 6))

model <- mleCRNGP(X0, Y0, known = list(theta = 0.01, g = 1e-3, rho = 0.3))

preds <- predict(model, x = Xgrid, xprime = Xgrid)
matlines(x, t(matrix(preds$mean, ns, nx)), lty = 1)
# prediction on new seed (i.e., average prediction)
xs1 <- cbind(x, ns+1)
predsm <- predict(model, x = xs1)
lines(x, predsm$mean, col = "orange", lwd = 3)
lines(x, predsm$mean + 2 * sqrt(predsm$sd2), col = "orange", lwd = 2, lty = 3)
lines(x, predsm$mean - 2 * sqrt(predsm$sd2), col = "orange", lwd = 2, lty = 3)

# Conditional realizations
sims <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = preds$mean, Sigma = 1/2 * (preds$cov + t(preds$cov)))
plot(Xgrid[,1], sims, col = 1 + ((Xgrid[,2] - 1) %% 6))
points(X0[,1], Y0, pch = 20, col = 1 + ((X0[,2] - 1) %% 6))
## Not run: 
## Example 2: Homoskedastic GP modeling on 2d sims
nx <- 31
ns <- 5
d <- 2
x <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(0,1, length.out = nx), seq(0,1, length.out = nx)))
s <- matrix(seq(1, ns, length.out = ns))
Xgrid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(1, ns, length.out = ns), seq(0,1, length.out = nx), 
                               seq(0,1, length.out = nx)))
Xgrid <- Xgrid[,c(2, 3, 1)]
g <- 1e-3
theta <- c(0.02, 0.05)
KX <- cov_gen(x, theta = theta)
rho <- 0.33
KS <- matrix(rho, ns, ns)
diag(KS) <- 1
YY <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = rep(0, nx*nx*ns), Sigma = kronecker(KX, KS) + g * diag(nx*nx*ns))
YYmat <- matrix(YY, ns, nx*nx)
filled.contour(matrix(YYmat[1,], nx))
filled.contour(matrix(YYmat[2,], nx))

ids <- sample(1:nrow(Xgrid), 80)
X0 <- Xgrid[ids,]
Y0 <-  YY[ids]

## Uncomment below for For 3D visualisation
# library(rgl)
# plot3d(Xgrid[,1], Xgrid[,2], YY, col = 1 + (Xgrid[,3] - 1) %% 6)
# points3d(X0[,1], X0[,2], Y0, size = 10, col = 1 + ((X0[,3] - 1) %% 6))

model <- mleCRNGP(X0, Y0, know = list(beta0 = 0))

preds <- predict(model, x = Xgrid, xprime = Xgrid)
# surface3d(unique(Xgrid[1:nx^2,1]),unique(Xgrid[,2]), matrix(YY[Xgrid[,3]==1], nx), 
#   front = "lines", back = "lines")
# aspect3d(1, 1, 1)
# surface3d(unique(Xgrid[1:nx^2,1]),unique(Xgrid[,2]), matrix(preds$mean[Xgrid[,3]==1], nx), 
#   front = "lines", back = "lines", col = "red")
plot(preds$mean, YY)

# prediction on new seed (i.e., average prediction)
xs1 <- cbind(x, ns+1)
predsm <- predict(model, x = xs1)
# surface3d(unique(x[,1]), unique(x[,2]), matrix(predsm$mean, nx), col = "orange", 
#   front = "lines", back = "lines")

# Conditional realizations
sims <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = preds$mean, Sigma = 1/2 * (preds$cov + t(preds$cov)))
# plot3d(X0[,1], X0[,2], Y0, size = 10, col = 1 + ((X0[,3] - 1) %% 6))
# surface3d(unique(x[,1]), unique(x[,2]), matrix(sims[Xgrid[,3] == 1], nx), col = 1, 
#   front = "lines", back = "lines")
# surface3d(unique(x[,1]), unique(x[,2]), matrix(sims[Xgrid[,3] == 2], nx), col = 2, 
#   front = "lines", back = "lines")

# Faster alternative for conditional realizations 
# (note: here the design points are part of the simulation points)
Xgrid0 <- unique(Xgrid[, -(d + 1), drop = FALSE])
sims2 <- simul(object = model,Xgrid = Xgrid, ids = ids, nsim = 5, check = TRUE) 

## Example 3: Homoskedastic GP modeling on 1d trajectories (with time)
nx <- 11
nt <- 9
ns <- 7
x <- matrix(sort(seq(0,1, length.out = nx)), nx)
s <- matrix(sort(seq(1, ns, length.out = ns)))
t <- matrix(sort(seq(0, 1, length.out = nt)), nt)
covtype <- "Matern5_2"
g <- 1e-3
theta <- c(0.3, 0.5)
KX <- cov_gen(x, theta = theta[1], type = covtype)
KT <- cov_gen(t, theta = theta[2], type = covtype)
rho <- 0.3
KS <- matrix(rho, ns, ns)
diag(KS) <- 1
XST <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x, s, t))

Kmc <- kronecker(chol(KT), kronecker(chol(KS), chol(KX)))
YY <- t(Kmc) %*% rnorm(nrow(Kmc))

ninit <- 50
XS <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x, s))
ids <- sort(sample(1:nrow(XS), ninit))
XST0 <- cbind(XS[ids[rep(1:ninit, each = nt)],], rep(t[,1], times = ninit))
X0 <- XST[which(duplicated(rbind(XST, XST0), fromLast = TRUE)),]
Y0 <-  YY[which(duplicated(rbind(XST, XST0), fromLast = TRUE))]

# tmp <- hetGP:::find_reps(X = X0[,-3], Y0)
model <- mleCRNGP(X = XS[ids,], T0=t, Z = matrix(Y0, ncol = nt), covtype = covtype)

preds <- predict(model, x = XS, xprime = XS)

# compare with regular CRN GP
mref <- mleCRNGP(X = X0[, c(1, 3, 2)], Z = Y0, covtype = covtype)
pref <- predict(mref, x = XST[, c(1, 3, 2)], xprime = XST[, c(1, 3, 2)])

print(model$time) # Use Kronecker structure for time

plot(as.vector(preds$mean), YY)
plot(pref$mean, YY) 

## End(Not run)

[Package hetGP version 1.1.6 Index]