allocate_mult {hetGP}R Documentation

Allocation of replicates on existing designs


Allocation of replicates on existing design locations, based on (29) from (Ankenman et al, 2010)


allocate_mult(model, N, Wijs = NULL, use.Ki = FALSE)



hetGP model


total budget of replication to allocate


optional previously computed matrix of Wijs, see Wij


should Ki from model be used? Using the inverse of C (covariance matrix only, without noise, using ginv) is also possible


vector with approximated best number of replicates per design


B. Ankenman, B. Nelson, J. Staum (2010), Stochastic kriging for simulation metamodeling, Operations research, pp. 371–382, 58


## Example: Heteroskedastic GP modeling on the motorcycle data

## motorcycle data
X <- matrix(mcycle$times, ncol = 1)
Z <- mcycle$accel
nvar <- 1

data_m <- find_reps(X, Z, rescale = TRUE)

plot(rep(data_m$X0, data_m$mult), data_m$Z, ylim = c(-160, 90),
     ylab = 'acceleration', xlab = "time")

## Model fitting
model <- mleHetGP(X = list(X0 = data_m$X0, Z0 = data_m$Z0, mult = data_m$mult),
                  Z = Z, lower = rep(0.1, nvar), upper = rep(5, nvar),
                  covtype = "Matern5_2")
## Compute best allocation                  
A <- allocate_mult(model, N = 1000)

## Create a prediction grid and obtain predictions
xgrid <- matrix(seq(0, 1, length.out = 301), ncol = 1) 
predictions <- predict(x = xgrid, object =  model)

## Display mean predictive surface
lines(xgrid, predictions$mean, col = 'red', lwd = 2)
## Display 95% confidence intervals
lines(xgrid, qnorm(0.05, predictions$mean, sqrt(predictions$sd2)), col = 2, lty = 2)
lines(xgrid, qnorm(0.95, predictions$mean, sqrt(predictions$sd2)), col = 2, lty = 2)
## Display 95% prediction intervals
lines(xgrid, qnorm(0.05, predictions$mean, sqrt(predictions$sd2 + predictions$nugs)), 
col = 3, lty = 2)
lines(xgrid, qnorm(0.95, predictions$mean, sqrt(predictions$sd2 + predictions$nugs)), 
col = 3, lty = 2)

par(new = TRUE)
plot(NA,NA, xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,max(A)), axes = FALSE, ylab = "", xlab = "")
segments(x0 = model$X0, x1 = model$X0, 
y0 = rep(0, nrow(model$X)), y1 = A, col = 'grey')
axis(side = 4)
mtext(side = 4, line = 2, expression(a[i]), cex = 0.8)       

[Package hetGP version 1.1.6 Index]