adjacent |
Determine adjacent points |
as.starray |
Convert array to 'starray' |
as.sts |
Convert object to 'sts' class |
assemble |
Assemble spline ingredients for sandwich smooth |
assemble.hero_bspline |
Assemble spline ingredients for sandwich smooth |
assemble.hero_radspline |
Assemble spline ingredients for sandwich smooth |
assemble.list |
Assemble spline ingredients for sandwich smooth |
as_starray |
Convert array to 'starray' |
as_sts |
Convert object to 'sts' class |
border.grid |
Construct border for grid |
BorderGrid |
Construct border for grid |
borderGrid |
Construct border for grid |
border_grid |
Construct border for grid |
bspline |
B-spline specification |
circulate |
Circulate values of a vector |
connect |
Connect 'hero_radsplines' |
create.prepared_list |
Manually create a 'prepared_list' |
default.evalargs |
Construct default 'evalargs' |
default.splines |
Construct default splines |
diffpen |
P-spline difference penalty |
enhance |
Enhance penalty value |
enhance.grid |
Enhance penalty value using grid search |
enlarge |
Enlarge spatial domain |
generate.data2d |
Generate 2d data |
generate.data3d |
Generate 3d data |
GenerateData2d |
Generate 2d data |
generateData2d |
Generate 2d data |
GenerateData3d |
Generate 3d data |
generateData3d |
Generate 3d data |
generate_data2d |
Generate 2d data |
generate_data3d |
Generate 3d data |
hero |
Construct a hero sandwich smoother |
hero.prepared_array |
Construct a hero sandwich smoother |
hero.prepared_list |
Construct a hero sandwich smoother |
hero.prepared_matrix |
Construct a hero sandwich smoother |
hero.prepared_numeric |
Construct a hero sandwich smoother |
hero.prepared_sequential |
Construct a hero sandwich smoother |
hero.prepared_starray |
Construct a hero sandwich smoother |
hero.prepared_sts |
Construct a hero sandwich smoother | |
Design knot/breakpoint spacing |
KnotDesign |
Design knot/breakpoint spacing |
knotDesign |
Design knot/breakpoint spacing |
knot_design |
Design knot/breakpoint spacing |
kronecker.seq |
A sequence of kronecker products |
KroneckerSeq |
A sequence of kronecker products |
kroneckerSeq |
A sequence of kronecker products |
kronecker_seq |
A sequence of kronecker products |
lat |
Computer-generated temperature data |
loglambda2gcv |
Determine GCV statistic |
lon |
Computer-generated temperature data |
ludata |
Data for f1 function from Lu et al. (2012) |
lunoisyf1 |
Data for f1 function from Lu et al. (2012) |
lutruef1 |
Data for f1 function from Lu et al. (2012) |
plot.hero_adjacent |
Plot a 'hero_adjacent' object |
plot.hero_bspline |
Plot a 'hero_bspline' object |
plot.hero_enlarge |
Plot a 'hero_enlarge' object |
plot.hero_matrix |
Plot a 'hero' object |
plot.hero_numeric |
Plot a 'hero' object |
plot.hero_radspline |
Plot a 'hero_radspline' |
poly2SpatialPolygons |
Convert simple polygon to a 'SpatialPolygons' object |
precompute |
Precompute objects |
predict.hero |
Predict method for 'hero' object |
predict.hero_bspline |
Predict method for 'hero_bspline' object |
predict.hero_radspline |
Predict method for a 'hero_radspline' |
prepare |
Prepare data for sandwich smooth |
prepare.array |
Prepare data array for sandwich smooth |
prepare.list |
Prepare data array for sandwich smooth |
prepare.matrix |
Prepare data matrix for sandwich smooth |
prepare.numeric |
Prepare data vector for sandwich smooth |
prepare.starray |
Prepare 'starray' for sandwich smooth |
prepare.sts |
Prepare 'starray' for sandwich smooth |
prepare_sequential |
Sequentially prepare data for sandwich smooth |
radspline |
Radial basis spline specification |
rh |
Rotated H-transform |
rh.seq |
Apply 'rh' sequentially |
RhSeq |
Apply 'rh' sequentially |
rhSeq |
Apply 'rh' sequentially |
rh_seq |
Apply 'rh' sequentially |
spdiffpen |
Spatial difference penalty |
starray |
Convert array to 'starray' |
sts |
Convert object to 'sts' class |
tasmax |
Computer-generated temperature data |
wrfg_cgcm3_tasmax |
Computer-generated temperature data |
wrfg_lat |
Computer-generated temperature data |
wrfg_lon |
Computer-generated temperature data |
x |
Data for f1 function from Lu et al. (2012) |
z |
Data for f1 function from Lu et al. (2012) |