score {heiscore} | R Documentation |
Calculate Healthy Eating Index (HEI) scores from NHANES data
This function calculates HEI component or total scores using the inputted scoring method. The user can subset the data to only include subjects in specific demographic groups
demo = NULL,
sex = c("Female", "Male"),
race = c("Asian", "White", "Black", "Other", "Mexican American", "Other Hispanic"),
age = c(2, 100),
income = c("[0, 5000)", "[5000, 10000)", "[10000, 15000)", "[15000, 20000)",
"[20000, 25000)", "[25000, 35000)", "[35000, 45000)", "[45000, 55000)",
"[55000, 65000)", "[65000, 75000)", "[75000, 100000)", "75000+", ">100000", ">20000",
"<20000", "Refused", "Don't know", "NA")
method |
A single character string with the HEI scoring method to use. Choose from "simple", "pop ratio", or "mean ratio". |
years |
A single character string representing the NHANES cycle to select, choose from: "0506", "0708", "0910", "1112", "1314", "1516", or "1718". |
component |
A single character string with the HEI component to score and plot. Options include "total score", "total fruit", "whole fruits", "total vegetables", "greens and beans", "whole grains", "total dairy", "total protein", "seafood and plant proteins", "fatty acids", "refined grains", "sodium", "added sugars", and "saturated fat". |
demo |
A single character string with the demographic grouping by which the data should be scored or NULL. If method = "simple", choose NULL as the demo. Otherwise, choose from "sex", "race", "age", or "income". |
sex |
A vector of the sexes in the desired subpopulation. Provide a vector with the character strings "Female", "Male", or both. |
race |
A vector of races/ethnicities in the desired subpopulation. Provide a vector including any combination of the following character strings: "Asian", "White", "Black", "Other", "Mexican American", and "Other Hispanic". |
age |
A vector in the form c(min, max) with two integers specifying the desired age range to analyze. Both integers should either be ones (to represent the toddler age group including ages 12-23 months) or 2 and above. |
income |
A vector of family income brackets in the desired subpopulation. Provide a vector including any combination of the following character strings: "[0, 5000)","[5000, 10000)","[10000, 15000)","[15000, 20000)","[20000, 25000)","[25000, 35000)", "[35000, 45000)","[45000, 55000)","[55000, 65000)","[65000, 75000)","[75000, 100000)", "75000+",">100000", ">20000","<20000","Refused","Don't know", "NA". |
A tibble with HEI scores for the selected component for each individual (when method = "simple") or by demographic grouping specified in demo.
# Calculate the Total Fruit component score from the 2017-18 NHANES data
# using the 'simple' method.
score(method = "simple",
years = "1718",
component = "Total Fruit",
demo = NULL)
# Calculate the total HEI score by sex using the population ratio method for
# White and Black individuals between ages 5 and 10 with a family income
# between 5000abd 15000 in the 2011-12 NHANES cycle.
score(method = "pop ratio",
years = "1112",
component = "total score",
demo = "sex",
race = c("White", "Black"),
age = c(5,10),
income = c("[5000, 10000)", "[10000, 15000)"))