Blues |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
BrBG |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
BuGn |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
BuPu |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
cool_warm |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
ggheatmap |
ggplot heatmap equivalent to heatmaply |
ggplot_side_color_plot |
Side color plots for heatmaps |
GnBu |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
Greens |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
Greys |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
heatmaply |
Cluster heatmap based on plotly |
heatmaply.default |
Cluster heatmap based on plotly |
heatmaply.heatmapr |
Cluster heatmap based on plotly |
heatmaply_cor |
Cluster heatmap based on plotly |
heatmaply_na |
Cluster heatmap based on plotly |
heatmapr |
Creates a heatmapr object |
is.heatmapr |
Is the object of class heatmapr |
is.na10 |
Indicates which elements are missing (either 1 and 0) |
is.plotly |
Checks if an object is of class plotly or not. |
normalize |
Normalization transformation (0-1) | |
Normalization transformation (0-1) |
normalize.default |
Normalization transformation (0-1) |
normalize.matrix |
Normalization transformation (0-1) |
Oranges |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
OrRd |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
percentize |
Empirical Percentile Transformation | |
Empirical Percentile Transformation |
percentize.default |
Empirical Percentile Transformation |
percentize.matrix |
Empirical Percentile Transformation |
PiYG |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
PRGn |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
PuBu |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
PuBuGn |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
PuOr |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
PuRd |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
Purples |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
RColorBrewer_colors |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
RdBu |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
RdGy |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
RdPu |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
RdYlBu |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
RdYlGn |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
Reds |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
Spectral |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
YlGn |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
YlGnBu |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
YlOrBr |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |
YlOrRd |
RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette |