Interactive Cluster Heat Maps Using 'plotly' and 'ggplot2'

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Documentation for package ‘heatmaply’ version 1.5.0

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Blues RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
BrBG RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
BuGn RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
BuPu RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
cool_warm RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
ggheatmap ggplot heatmap equivalent to heatmaply
ggplot_side_color_plot Side color plots for heatmaps
GnBu RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
Greens RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
Greys RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
heatmaply Cluster heatmap based on plotly
heatmaply.default Cluster heatmap based on plotly
heatmaply.heatmapr Cluster heatmap based on plotly
heatmaply_cor Cluster heatmap based on plotly
heatmaply_na Cluster heatmap based on plotly
heatmapr Creates a heatmapr object
is.heatmapr Is the object of class heatmapr
is.na10 Indicates which elements are missing (either 1 and 0)
is.plotly Checks if an object is of class plotly or not.
normalize Normalization transformation (0-1) Normalization transformation (0-1)
normalize.default Normalization transformation (0-1)
normalize.matrix Normalization transformation (0-1)
Oranges RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
OrRd RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
percentize Empirical Percentile Transformation Empirical Percentile Transformation
percentize.default Empirical Percentile Transformation
percentize.matrix Empirical Percentile Transformation
PiYG RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
PRGn RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
PuBu RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
PuBuGn RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
PuOr RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
PuRd RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
Purples RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
RColorBrewer_colors RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
RdBu RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
RdGy RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
RdPu RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
RdYlBu RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
RdYlGn RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
Reds RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
Spectral RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
YlGn RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
YlGnBu RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
YlOrBr RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette
YlOrRd RColorBrewer color Ramp Palette