Function to prepare data for a heatmap: scaling, dendrograms, ...
x |
(numeric ). Numeric matrix.
labRow |
(character ). Custom row labels.
labCol |
(character ). Custom column labels.
Rowv |
(dendrogram or integer ). Custom dendrogram object or integer vector giving the ordering index for rows.
Colv |
(dendrogram or integer ). Custom dendrogram object or integer vector giving the ordering index for columns
reorder |
(logical ). Boolean of length 2 for rows and columns. Should rows and/or columns be reordered according to Rowv /Colv ?
distfun |
(function ). Distance function. Defaults to dist .
hclustfun |
(function ). Hierarchical clustering function. Defaults to hclust .
rowMembers |
(character ). Group vector to split rows by.
colMembers |
(character ). Group vector to split columns by.
spacer |
(integer ). Length 1 integer used as spacer to separate groups (see rowMembers /colMembers ). Defaults to 1.
scale |
(character ). One of "row", "column" or "none": By which dimension should data be scaled? Defaults to "none".
trim |
(numeric ). Value to "cut off" data distribution. Values and both ends of the distribution, larger or smaller, respectively, will be made equal to +/-trim . Defaults to NULL , no trimming.
zlim |
(numeric ). Value to set the ranges for plotting x and y values. Supports both symmetrical (with default NULL ) and asymmetrical (NA ) automatic zlim. Used for zooming.
col |
(character ) Name (acronym) of the colour palette to use. Can be one of "RdBkGn" (c("green", "black", "red")), "BuYl" (c("blue", "yellow")), "BuWtRd" (c("blue", "white", "red")) or a valid name used by brewer.pal . Defaults to NULL which will set "RdBkGn".
filter |
(integer or logical .) For filtering rows/columns: TRUE (=1.0) = remove rows/columns with only NAs, 0.5 = remove if >= 50 per cent NAs, etc. Defaults to c(TRUE, TRUE) .
add.sig |
(logical ). Should significance asterixes be drawn?
pv |
(numeric ). Matrix of the same dimensions as x with P-Values for correlation significance.