heatmapFlex {heatmapFlex}R Documentation

Tools to Generate Flexible Heatmaps


The package has a number of tools supporting more flexible heatmaps. The graphics is grid-like using the old graphics system. The main function is heatmap.n2, which is a wrapper around the various functions constructing individual parts of the heatmap, like sidebars, picket plots, legends etc. The function supports zooming and splitting, i.e., having (unlimited) small heatmaps underneath each other in one plot deriving from the same data set, e.g., clustered and ordered by a supervised clustering method.


Package: heatmapFlex
Type: Package
Initial version: 0.1-0
Created: 2021-08-11
License: GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes


Vidal Fey <vidal.fey@gmail.com>, Henri Sara <henri.sara@gmail.com> Maintainer: Vidal Fey <vidal.fey@gmail.com>

[Package heatmapFlex version 0.1.2 Index]