ts_model_auto_tune {healthyR.ts}R Documentation

Time Series Model Tuner


This function will create a tuned model. It uses the ts_model_spec_tune_template() under the hood to get the generic template that is used in the grid search.


  .drop_training_na = TRUE,
  .tscv_assess = "12 months",
  .tscv_skip = "6 months",
  .slice_limit = 6,
  .facet_ncol = 2,
  .grid_size = 30,
  .num_cores = 1,
  .best_metric = "rmse"



The .model_id from a calibrated modeltime table.


A calibrated modeltime table.


The time_series_split object.


A boolean that will drop NA values from the training(splits) data


The column that holds the date values.


The column that holds the time series values.


A character expression like "12 months". This gets passed to timetk::time_series_cv()


A character expression like "6 months". This gets passed to timetk::time_series_cv()


An integer that gets passed to timetk::time_series_cv()


The number of faceted columns to be passed to plot_time_series_cv_plan


An integer that gets passed to the dials::grid_latin_hypercube() function.


The default is 1, you can set this to any integer value as long as it is equal to or less than the available cores on your machine.


The default is "rmse" and this can be set to any default dials metric. This must be passed as a character.


This function can work with the following parsnip/modeltime engines:

This function returns a list object with several items inside of it. There are three categories of items that are inside of the list.

The data section has the following items:

The model_info section has the following items:

The plots section has the following items:


A list object with multiple items.


Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH

See Also

Other Model Tuning: ts_model_spec_tune_template()

Other Utility: auto_stationarize(), calibrate_and_plot(), internal_ts_backward_event_tbl(), internal_ts_both_event_tbl(), internal_ts_forward_event_tbl(), model_extraction_helper(), ts_get_date_columns(), ts_info_tbl(), ts_is_date_class(), ts_lag_correlation(), ts_model_compare(), ts_model_rank_tbl(), ts_model_spec_tune_template(), ts_qq_plot(), ts_scedacity_scatter_plot(), ts_to_tbl(), util_difflog_ts(), util_doublediff_ts(), util_doubledifflog_ts(), util_log_ts(), util_singlediff_ts()


## Not run: 

data <- ts_to_tbl(AirPassengers) %>%

splits <- time_series_split(
    , date_col
    , assess = 12
    , skip = 3
    , cumulative = TRUE

rec_objs <- ts_auto_recipe(
  .data = data
  , .date_col = date_col
  , .pred_col = value

wfsets <- ts_wfs_mars(
  .model_type = "earth"
  , .recipe_list = rec_objs

wf_fits <- wfsets %>%
    data = training(splits)
    , control = control_fit_workflowset(
     allow_par = TRUE
     , verbose = TRUE

models_tbl <- wf_fits %>%
  filter(.model != "NULL")

calibration_tbl <- models_tbl %>%
  modeltime_calibrate(new_data = testing(splits))

output <- ts_model_auto_tune(
  .modeltime_model_id = 1,
  .calibration_tbl = calibration_tbl,
  .splits_obj = splits,
  .drop_training_na = TRUE,
  .date_col = date_col,
  .value_col = value,
  .tscv_assess = "12 months",
  .tscv_skip = "3 months",
  .num_cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1

## End(Not run)

[Package healthyR.ts version 0.3.0 Index]