.digit256 | Extract the n-th digit of a duocentehexaquinquagesimal number |
.permitted_street_type_ord | Street types allowed. |
compress_latlon | Compress latitude and longitude to a 32-bit integer |
compress_latlon_general | Compress latitude and longitude to a 32-bit integer |
decompress_latlon | Compress latitude and longitude to a 32-bit integer |
decompress_latlon_general | Compress latitude and longitude to a 32-bit integer |
download_latlon_data | Download latitude longitude data by address |
extract_flatNumberFirstLast | Extract the flat number, number first/last from an address |
extract_postcode | Extract the postcode from the suffix of a string |
HashStreetName | Hash a street name quickly and accurately |
match_StreetType | Find the street type within an address |
match_word | Find word within a sentence |
mutate_latlon | Add latitude and longitude columns to a standard address |
nany_lowercase | Uppercase character vectors |
postcode2ste | In what states do postcodes lie? |
read_ste_fst | Get internal data |
standardize_address | Standard address |
standard_address2 | Standard address |
standard_address3 | Standard address |
toupper_basic | Uppercase |
unHashStreetName | Hash a street name quickly and accurately |
uniqueN_Postcodes | Unique postcodes of |
unique_Postcodes | Unique postcodes of |