Working with Healthcare Databases

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Documentation for package ‘healthdb’ version 0.3.1

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bind_source Row-bind a list of data.frames or remote tables with variable selection and renaming
build_def Build case definition function calls
collapse_episode Group records no more than n days apart as episodes
compute_comorbidity Compute Elixhauser Comorbidity Index
compute_duration Compute duration between two dates
cut_period Cut the time period in one row into multiple rows by interval
define_case Identify diseases/events from administrative records
exclude Remove rows based on conditions or another data set
execute_def Execute parameterized case definitions
fetch_var Get variables from multiple tables with common ID columns
identify_row Identify rows with a match
if_date Interpret if any n elements drawn from a date vector could be some days apart within some time span
lookup Find value corresponding to the input vector using a look-up table
make_test_dat Make test data
pool_case Pool qualified clients from results of multiple definitions
report_n Report number of distinct value in a column across data frames
restrict_date Remove or flag groups failed to meet conditions based on dates
restrict_n Remove or flag groups with n less than some number