High-Dimensional Regression with Measurement Error

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Documentation for package ‘hdme’ version 0.6.0

Help Pages

coef.corrected_lasso Extract Coefficients of a Corrected Lasso object
coef.gds Extract Coefficients of a Generalized Dantzig Selector Object
coef.gmus Extract Coefficients of a GMUS object
coef.gmu_lasso Extract Coefficients of a GMU Lasso object
corrected_lasso Corrected Lasso
cv_corrected_lasso Cross-validated Corrected lasso
cv_gds Cross-Validated Generalized Dantzig Selector
gds Generalized Dantzig Selector
gmus Generalized Matrix Uncertainty Selector
gmu_lasso Generalized Matrix Uncertainty Lasso
mus Matrix Uncertainty Selector
plot.corrected_lasso plot.corrected_lasso
plot.cv_corrected_lasso plot.cv_corrected_lasso
plot.cv_gds plot.cv_gds
plot.gds Plot the estimates returned by gds
plot.gmus Plot the estimates returned by gmus and mus
plot.gmu_lasso Plot the estimates returned by gmu_lasso
print.corrected_lasso Print a Corrected Lasso object
print.cv_corrected_lasso Print a Cross-Validated Corrected Lasso object
print.cv_gds Print a Cross-Validated GDS Object
print.gds Print a Generalized Dantzig Selector Object
print.gmus Print a GMUS object
print.gmu_lasso Print a GMU Lasso object