rXb {hdi}R Documentation

Generate Data Design Matrix XX and Coefficient Vector β\beta


Generate a random design matrix XX and coefficient vector β\beta useful for simulations of (high dimensional) linear models. In particular, the function rXb() can be used to exactly recreate the reference linear model datasets of the hdi paper.


rXb(n, p, s0,
    xtype = c("toeplitz", "exp.decay", "equi.corr"),
    btype = "U[-2,2]",
    permuted = FALSE, iteration = NA, do2S = TRUE,
    x.par = switch(xtype,
                   "toeplitz"  = 0.9,
                   "equi.corr" = 0.8,
                   "exp.decay" = c(0.4, 5)),
   verbose = TRUE)

rX(n, p, xtype, permuted, do2S = TRUE,
   par = switch(xtype,
                "toeplitz"  = 0.9,
                "equi.corr" = 0.8,
                "exp.decay" = c(0.4, 5)))



integer; the sample size nn (paper had always n = 100).


integer; the number of coefficients in the linear model. (paper had always p = 500).


integer number of nonzero coefficients desired in the model; hence at most p.


a character string specifying the type of design matrix one wants to generate. Must be one of "toeplitz", "equi.corr" or "exp.decay".


a character string specifying the type of nonzero coefficients (“beta”) one wants to generate. In the hdi paper, this has been one of "U[-2,2]", "U[0,2]", "U[0,4]", "bfix1", "bfix2" and "bfix10". In general, any string of the form "U[a,b]" or "bfix<c>" is allowed, where a, b, and <c> must be numbers (with aba \le b).


logical specifying if the columns of the design matrix should be permuted.


integer or NA specifying if seeds should be set to generate reproducible realizations of the design type and coefficients type. NA corresponds to not setting seeds. Iteration numbers 1 to 50 correspond to the setups from the paper. If a seed is set, the original .Random.seed at the point of entering the function is saved and is restored upon exit of the data generation. If NA, the current .Random.seed is taken as usual in R.


logical indicating if in the case of xtypes "toeplitz" or "equi.corr", the p×pp \times p covariance matrix should be inverted twice. Must be true, to regenerate the XX matrices from the hdi paper exactly “to the last bit”.

x.par, par

the parameters to be used for the design matrix. Must be a numeric vector of length one or two. The default uses the parameters also used in the hdi paper.


should the function give a message if seeds are being set? (logical).


Generation of the design matrix XX:
For all xtype's, the XX matrix will be multivariate normal, with mean zero and (co)variance matrix Σ=\Sigma = C determined from xtype, x.par and pp as follows:

xtype = "toeplitz":

C <- par ^ abs(toeplitz(0:(p-1)))

xtype = "equi.corr":

Σi,j=par\Sigma_{i,j} = \code{par} for iji \ne j, and =1= 1 for i=ji = j, i.e., on the diagonal.

xtype = "exp.decay":

C <- solve(par[1] ^ abs(toeplitz(0:(p-1)) / par[2]))


For rXb():

A list with components


the generated n×pn \times p design matrix XX.


the generated coefficient vector β\beta (‘beta’).

For rX():

the generated n×pn \times p design matrix XX.


Ruben Dezeure dezeure@stat.math.ethz.ch


Dezeure, R., Bühlmann, P., Meier, L. and Meinshausen, N. (2015) High-dimensional inference: confidence intervals, p-values and R-software hdi. Statistical Science 30, 533–558.


## Generate the first realization of the linear model with design matrix
## type Toeplitz and coefficients type uniform between -2 and 2

dset <- rXb(n = 80, p = 20, s0 = 3,
            xtype = "toeplitz", btype = "U[-2,2]")
x <- dset$x
beta <- dset$beta

## generate 100 response vectors of this linear model
y <- as.vector( x %*% beta ) + replicate(100, rnorm(nrow(x)))

## Use  'beta_min' fulfilling  beta's  (non standard 'btype'):
str(ds2 <- rXb(n = 50, p = 12, s0 = 3,
               xtype = "exp.decay", btype = "U[0.1, 5]"))

## Generate a design matrix of type "toeplitz"
set.seed(3) # making it reproducible
X3 <- rX(n = 800, p = 500, xtype = "toeplitz", permuted = FALSE)

## permute the columns
Xp <- rX(n = 800, p = 500, xtype = "toeplitz", permuted = TRUE)

[Package hdi version 0.1-9 Index]