Penalized Mixture Cure Models for High-Dimensional Data

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Documentation for package ‘hdcuremodels’ version 0.0.1

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amltest AML test data
amltrain AML training data
AUC AUC for cure prediction using mean score imputation
coef.mixturecure Extract model coefficients from a fitted mixture cure object
concordance_mcm C-statistic for mixture cure models
cureem Fit penalized mixture cure model using the E-M algorithm
curegmifs Fit penalized parametric mixture cure model using the GMIFS algorithm
cure_estimate Estimate cured fraction
cv_cureem Fit penalized mixture cure model using the E-M algorithm with cross-validation for parameter tuning
cv_curegmifs Fit a penalized parametric mixture cure model using the GMIFS algorithm with cross-validation for model selection
generate_cure_data Simulate data under a mixture cure model
nonzerocure_test Non-parametric pest for a non-zero cured fraction
plot.mixturecure Plot fitted mixture cure model
predict.mixturecure Predicted probabilities for susceptibles, linear predictor for latency, and risk class for latency for mixture cure fit
print.mixturecure Print the contents of a mixture cure fitted object
sufficient_fu_test Test for sufficient follow-up
summary.mixturecure Summarize a Fitted Mixture Cure Object.