VrPointing {hcidata} | R Documentation |
Pointing in Virtual Reality
Data from a study where participants pointed at one of 27 targets in the space in front of them. This version contains calibration poses, participant information, end the final pose for each pointing trial. The full dataset with all movement within each trial is available at https://github.com/TorSalve/pointing-data-ATHCC.
A list with three entries:
participants with 12 fields for 13 study participants:
- pid
Participant ID.
- handedness
Participants' dominant hand.
- gender
Participants' self-reported gender.
- age
Participant age.
- forearmLength
Length of forearm in meter.
- forearmMarkerDist
Distance from the forearm marker to the elbow in meter.
- indexFingerLength
Index finger length in meter.
- upperArmLength
Length of the upper arm in meter.
- upperArmMarkerDist
Distance from the upper arm marker to the elbow in meter.
- height
Participant height in meter.
- rightShoulderMarkerDist.X
Horizontal distance from the right shoulder marker to the participants' shoulder in meter.
- rightShoulderMarkerDist.Y
Vertical distance from the right shoulder marker to the participants' shoulder in meter.
calibration with 44 fields for 39 observations:
- pid
Participant ID.
- pose
Calibration pose, where 1 = arms pointing down, 2 = arm pointing to the right, and 3 = arm pointing forward.
- indexFinger.X, indexFinger.Y, indexFinger.Z
Index finger position in meter.
- hand.X, hand.Y, hand.Z
Hand position in meter.
- forearm.X, forearm.Y, forearm.Z
Forearm position in meter.
- upperArm.X, upperArm.Y, upperArm.Z
Upper arm position in meter.
- rightShoulder.X, rightShoulder.Y, rightShoulder.Z
Right shoulder position in meter.
- hmd.X, hmd.Y, hmd.Z
Headset position in meter.
- leftShoulder.X, leftShoulder.Y, leftShoulder.Z
Left Shoulder position in meter.
- indexFingerO.X, indexFingerO.Y, indexFingerO.Z
Index finger orientation in radians.
- handO.X, handO.Y, handO.Z
Hand orientation in radians.
- forearmO.X, forearmO.Y, forearmO.Z
Forearm orientation in radians.
- upperArmO.X, upperArmO.Y, upperArmO.Z
Upper arm orientation in radians.
- rightShoulderO.X, rightShoulderO.Y, rightShoulderO.Z
Right shoulder orientation in radians.
- hmdO.X, hmdO.Y, hmdO.Z
Headset orientation in radians.
- leftShoulderO.X, leftShoulderO.Y, leftShoulderO.Z
Left shoulder orientation in radians.
pointing with 48 fields for 1755 observations:
- pid
Participant ID.
- trial
Trial number.
- time
Time since beginning of trial in seconds.
- indexFinger.X, indexFinger.Y, indexFinger.Z
Index finger position in meter.
- hand.X, hand.Y, hand.Z
Hand position in meter.
- forearm.X, forearm.Y, forearm.Z
Forearm position in meter.
- upperArm.X, upperArm.Y, upperArm.Z
Upper arm position in meter.
- rightShoulder.X, rightShoulder.Y, rightShoulder.Z
Right shoulder position in meter.
- hmd.X, hmd.Y, hmd.Z
Headset position in meter.
- leftShoulder.X, leftShoulder.Y, leftShoulder.Z
Left Shoulder position in meter.
- indexFingerO.X, indexFingerO.Y, indexFingerO.Z
Index finger orientation in radians.
- handO.X, handO.Y, handO.Z
Hand orientation in radians.
- forearmO.X, forearmO.Y, forearmO.Z
Forearm orientation in radians.
- upperArmO.X, upperArmO.Y, upperArmO.Z
Upper arm orientation in radians.
- rightShoulderO.X, rightShoulderO.Y, rightShoulderO.Z
Right shoulder orientation in radians.
- hmdO.X, hmdO.Y, hmdO.Z
Headset orientation in radians.
- leftShoulderO.X, leftShoulderO.Y, leftShoulderO.Z
Left shoulder orientation in radians.
- target.X, target.Y, target.Z
Target position in meter.
Dalsgaard T, Knibbe J, Bergström J (2021). “Modeling Pointing for 3D Target Selection in VR.” In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST '21. ISBN 9781450390927, doi:10.1145/3489849.3489853.
See Also
Other virtual reality: