Event-Time dataset for kidney outcomes. |
Laboratory dataset for Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) measurements. |
Baseline characteristics dataset of patients with kidney function assessments. |
as_hce |
A generic function for coercing data structures to 'hce' objects | |
Coerce a data frame to an 'hce' object |
calcWINS |
A generic function for calculating win statistics | |
Win statistics calculation using a data frame |
calcWINS.formula |
Win statistics calculation using formula syntax |
calcWINS.hce |
Win statistics calculation for 'hce' objects |
calcWO |
A generic function for calculating win odds | |
Win odds calculation using a data frame |
calcWO.formula |
Win odds calculation using formula syntax |
calcWO.hce |
Win odds calculation for 'hce' objects |
COVID-19 ordinal scale dataset (full report). |
COVID19b |
COVID-19 ordinal scale dataset (preliminary report). |
hce |
Helper function for 'hce' objects |
HCE1 |
'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients with different treatment effects. |
HCE2 |
'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients with different treatment effects. |
HCE3 |
'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients with different treatment effects. |
HCE4 |
'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients with different treatment effects. |
Kidney Hierarchical Composite Endpoint dataset. |
minWO |
Minimum detectable or WO for alternative hypothesis for given power (no ties) |
plot.hce_results |
A print method for 'hce_results ' objects |
powerWO |
Power calculation for the win odds test (no ties) |
print.hce_results |
A print method for 'hce_results' objects |
propWINS |
Proportion of wins/losses/ties given the win odds and the win ratio |
regWO |
A generic function for win odds regression | |
Win odds regression using a data frame |
simHCE |
Simulate 'hce' object with given event rates of time-to-event outcomes (Weibull), mean and SD of the continuous outcome (normal or log-normal) by treatment group |
sizeWO |
Sample size calculation for the win odds test (no ties) |
sizeWR |
Sample size calculation for the win ratio test (with WR = 1 null hypothesis) |
stratWO |
A generic function for stratified win odds with adjustment | |
Stratified win odds with adjustment |
summaryWO |
A generic function for summarizing win odds | |
Win odds summary for a data frame |
summaryWO.formula |
Win odds summary using formula syntax |
summaryWO.hce |
Win odds summary for 'hce' objects |