hbrr {hbim}R Documentation

Calculate expected relative risk or percent protected from Hill model with Bliss Independence


Assuming that the log10 transformed doses are normally distributed, we calculate the expected relative risk (using hbrr) or percent protected (using hbpp) from the Hill model using Bliss Independence. Numeric integration is the default for up to three components for hbrr, while simulation is the default for two or three components for hbpp.


hbrr(mu, v, a = rep(1, length(mu)), simulate = FALSE, nsim = 10^4, ...)
hbpp(mu, v, a = rep(1, length(mu)), rp = 0.1, simulate = FALSE, nsim = 10^5, ...)



mean vector of the log10 dose


variance matrix of the log10 dose


vector of slope parameters in the Hill model, one for each component


estimation by simulation (TRUE) or numeric integration (FALSE)


number of simulations, ignored if simulate=FALSE


protection bound, an individual is protected if relative risk is greater than rp


additional parameters to pass to the integrate function


Although the package adapt can do multidimensional integration, we have written specific functions to do this for up to 3 dimensions. This allows faster and more accurate integration. The integration is done by repeated calls to the integrate function. The functions which do the actual integration or simulation are internal functions which are not intended to be called by the user. These internal functions are: for hbrr, when simulate=FALSE, the function calls one of either hbrr.integrate1, hbrr.integrate2, hbrr.integrate2.rhoeq1, hbrr.integrate3, or hbrr.integrate3.rhoeq1 (for 1,2, or 3 component, with or without rho=1, taken from the size of the mu vector and dimension of the v matrix) and when simulation=TRUE it calls hbrr.simulate. Similar functions exist for hbpp; however, the hbpp.integrate2 and hbpp.integrate3 may have problems because of the discontinuity in the integration function. That is why for two or three component models hbpp.simulate is used by default.


a numeric value of the expected relative risk or percent protected.


M.P. Fay


Saul A, Fay MP (2007). Human Immunity and the Design of Multi-Component, Single Target Vaccines. PLoS ONE 2(9): e850. doi:10.1371/jounal.pone.0000850


## example of two dimensional integral
## faster but less accurate estimation by simulatin

[Package hbim version 1.1.2 Index]