Full Featured Implementation of Hash Tables/Associative Arrays/Dictionaries

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Documentation for package ‘hash’ version

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hash-package Hash/associative array/dictionary data structure for the R language.
$-method Accessor methods for the hash class.
$<--method Accessor methods for the hash class.
.set assign key-value pair(s) to a hash
as.list.hash hash/associative array/dictionary data structure for the R language
clear Removes all key-value pairs from a hash
clear-method Removes all key-value pairs from a hash
clear-methods Removes all key-value pairs from a hash
copy Create a seperate copy of a hash object.
copy-method Create a seperate copy of a hash object.
copy-methods Create a seperate copy of a hash object.
del Remove key-value pair(s) from a hash
del-method Remove key-value pair(s) from a hash
del-methods Remove key-value pair(s) from a hash
delete Remove key-value pair(s) from a hash
delete-method Remove key-value pair(s) from a hash
delete-methods Remove key-value pair(s) from a hash
format Methods for Function format in Package 'hash'
format-method Methods for Function format in Package 'hash'
has.key Test for existence of key(s) on a hash
has.key-method Test for existence of key(s) on a hash
has.key-methods Test for existence of key(s) on a hash
hash hash/associative array/dictionary data structure for the R language
hash-accessors Accessor methods for the hash class.
hash-class Class "hash"
invert Create an inverted hash.
invert-method Create an inverted hash.
invert-methods Create an inverted hash.
inverted.hash Create an inverted hash.
is.empty Test if a hash has no key-value pairs.
is.hash hash/associative array/dictionary data structure for the R language
keys Returns key(s) from a hash
keys-method Returns key(s) from a hash
keys-methods Returns key(s) from a hash
length Returns the number of items in a hash
length-method Returns the number of items in a hash
length-methods Returns the number of items in a hash
make.keys creates/coerces objects to proper hash keys
names Returns key(s) from a hash
names.hash Returns key(s) from a hash
values Extract values of a hash object.
values-method Extract values of a hash object.
values-methods Extract values of a hash object.
values<- Extract values of a hash object.
values<--method Extract values of a hash object.
values<--methods Extract values of a hash object.
[-method Accessor methods for the hash class.
[<--method Accessor methods for the hash class.
[[-method Accessor methods for the hash class.
[[<--method Accessor methods for the hash class.