Manipulating DNA Sequences and Estimating Unambiguous Haplotype Network with Statistical Parsimony

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A B D G H I L N P R S T U misc

haplotypes-package Manipulating DNA Sequences and Estimating Unambiguous Haplotype Network with Statistical Parsimony

-- A --

append-method Combines two 'Dna' objects
append-methods Combines two 'Dna' objects Coerces a 'Dna' object to a data.frame Coerces a 'Dna' object to a data.frame
as.dna Coerces an object to a 'Dna' object
as.dna-method Coerces an object to a 'Dna' object
as.dna-methods Coerces an object to a 'Dna' object
as.DNAbin Coerces an object to a 'DNAbin' object
as.DNAbin-method Coerces an object to a 'DNAbin' object
as.DNAbin-methods Coerces an object to a 'DNAbin' object
as.list-method Methods for function 'as.list' in the Package 'haplotypes'
as.list-methods Methods for function 'as.list' in the Package 'haplotypes'
as.matrix-method Methods for function 'as.matrix' in the Package 'haplotypes'
as.matrix-methods Methods for function 'as.matrix' in the Package 'haplotypes' Coerces an object to a 'network' object Coerces an object to a 'network' object Coerces an object to a 'network' object
as.networx Coerces an object to a 'networx' object
as.networx-method Coerces an object to a 'networx' object
as.networx-methods Coerces an object to a 'networx' object
as.numeric-method Coerces a 'Dna' object to a numeric matrix
as.numeric-methods Coerces a 'Dna' object to a numeric matrix
as.phyDat Coerces an object to a 'phyDat' object
as.phyDat-method Coerces an object to a 'phyDat' object
as.phyDat-methods Coerces an object to a 'phyDat' object

-- B --

basecomp Calculates base composition
basecomp-method Calculates base composition
basecomp-methods Calculates base composition
boot.dna Generates single bootstrap replicate
boot.dna-method Generates single bootstrap replicate
boot.dna-methods Generates single bootstrap replicate

-- D --

distance Calculates absolute pairwise character difference matrix using a 'Dna' object
distance-method Calculates absolute pairwise character difference matrix using a 'Dna' object
distance-methods Calculates absolute pairwise character difference matrix using a 'Dna' object
Dna Class '"Dna"' in the Package 'haplotypes'
Dna-class Class '"Dna"' in the Package 'haplotypes'
dna.obj Example DNA sequence data

-- G --

grouping Groups haplotypes according to the grouping variable (populations, species, etc.)
grouping-method Groups haplotypes according to the grouping variable (populations, species, etc.)
grouping-methods Groups haplotypes according to the grouping variable (populations, species, etc.)

-- H --

Haplotype Class '"Haplotype"' in the Package 'haplotypes'
haplotype Methods for function 'haplotype' in the package 'haplotypes'
Haplotype-class Class '"Haplotype"' in the Package 'haplotypes'
haplotype-method Methods for function 'haplotype' in the package 'haplotypes'
haplotype-methods Methods for function 'haplotype' in the package 'haplotypes'
haplotypes Manipulating DNA Sequences and Estimating Unambiguous Haplotype Network with Statistical Parsimony
hapreord Reorders haplotypes according to the ordering factor
hapreord-method Reorders haplotypes according to the ordering factor
hapreord-methods Reorders haplotypes according to the ordering factor
homopoly Provides the list of homoplastic indels and substitutions
homopoly-method Provides the list of homoplastic indels and substitutions
homopoly-methods Provides the list of homoplastic indels and substitutions

-- I --

image-method Display DNA Sequence
image-methods Display DNA Sequence
indelcoder Codes gaps
indelcoder-method Codes gaps
indelcoder-methods Codes gaps

-- L --

length-method Methods for function 'length' in the package 'haplotypes'
length-methods Methods for function 'length' in the package 'haplotypes'

-- N --

names-method Function to get or set names of a 'Dna' object or 'Parsimnet' object
names-methods Function to get or set names of a 'Dna' object or 'Parsimnet' object
names<--method Function to get or set names of a 'Dna' object or 'Parsimnet' object
names<--methods Function to get or set names of a 'Dna' object or 'Parsimnet' object
ncol-method Returns the length of the longest DNA sequence
ncol-methods Returns the length of the longest DNA sequence
nrow-method Returns the number of DNA sequences
nrow-methods Returns the number of DNA sequences

-- P --

pairnei Provides the average number of pairwise Nei's (D) differences between populations
pairnei-method Provides the average number of pairwise Nei's (D) differences between populations
pairnei-methods Provides the average number of pairwise Nei's (D) differences between populations
pairPhiST Provides the pairwise PhiST between populations
pairPhiST-method Provides the pairwise PhiST between populations
pairPhiST-methods Provides the pairwise PhiST between populations
Parsimnet Class '"Parsimnet"' in the Package 'haplotypes'
parsimnet Estimates gene genealogies using statistical parsimony
Parsimnet-class Class '"Parsimnet"' in the Package 'haplotypes'
parsimnet-method Estimates gene genealogies using statistical parsimony
parsimnet-methods Estimates gene genealogies using statistical parsimony
pielegend Add Legends to Plots
pielegend-method Add Legends to Plots
pielegend-methods Add Legends to Plots
pieplot Plots pie charts on statistical parsimony network
pieplot-method Plots pie charts on statistical parsimony network
pieplot-methods Plots pie charts on statistical parsimony network
plot-method Methods for function 'plot' in the package 'haplotypes'
plot-methods Methods for function 'plot' in the package 'haplotypes'
polymorp Displays polymorphic sites (base substitutions and indels) between two sequences
polymorp-method Displays polymorphic sites (base substitutions and indels) between two sequences
polymorp-methods Displays polymorphic sites (base substitutions and indels) between two sequences

-- R --

range-method Returns the minimum and maximum lengths of the DNA sequences
range-methods Returns the minimum and maximum lengths of the DNA sequences
read.fas Read sequences from a file in FASTA format
remove.gaps Removing gaps from 'Dna' object
remove.gaps-method Removing gaps from 'Dna' object
remove.gaps-methods Removing gaps from 'Dna' object
rownames-method Retrieve or set the row names
rownames-methods Retrieve or set the row names
rownames<--method Retrieve or set the row names
rownames<--methods Retrieve or set the row names

-- S --

show-method Methods for function 'show' in the package 'haplotypes'
show-methods Methods for function 'show' in the package 'haplotypes'
subs Displays base substitutions
subs-method Displays base substitutions
subs-methods Displays base substitutions

-- T --

tolower-method Convert sequence characters from upper to lower case or vice versa
tolower-methods Convert sequence characters from upper to lower case or vice versa
toupper-method Convert sequence characters from upper to lower case or vice versa
toupper-methods Convert sequence characters from upper to lower case or vice versa

-- U --

unique-method Extract Unique Sequences
unique-methods Extract Unique Sequences

-- misc --

[-method Extract or replace parts of an object of class 'Dna'
[-methods Extract or replace parts of an object of class 'Dna'
[<--method Extract or replace parts of an object of class 'Dna'