bill_publications {hansard}R Documentation

Bill Publications


Returns details of all publications associated with a specific bill or all bills.


bill_publications(ID = NULL, publication_type = NULL,
  start_date = "1900-01-01", end_date = Sys.Date(),
  extra_args = NULL, tidy = TRUE, tidy_style = "snake",
  verbose = FALSE)

hansard_bill_publications(ID = NULL, publication_type = NULL,
  start_date = "1900-01-01", end_date = Sys.Date(),
  extra_args = NULL, tidy = TRUE, tidy_style = "snake",
  verbose = FALSE)



The ID of a specific bill to return publications for. If NULL, returns all bill publications subject to other parameters. Defaults to NULL.


The type of bill publication to return, in the form of a string. For a character vector of bill publication types, see bill_publication_types(). If NULL, returns all publications of all types, subject to other parameters. Defaults to NULL.


Only includes bill publications on or after this date. Accepts character values in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format, and objects of class Date, POSIXt, POSIXct, POSIXlt or anything else that can be coerced to a date with as.Date(). Defaults to '1900-01-01'.


Only includes bill publicationson or before this date. Accepts character values in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format, and objects of class Date, POSIXt, POSIXct, POSIXlt or anything else that can be coerced to a date with as.Date(). Defaults to the current system date.


Additional parameters and queries to pass to API. These queries must be strings and start with "&". See the API documentation or the package vignette for more details. Defaults to NULL.


Logical parameter. If TRUE, fixes the variable names in the tibble to remove special characters and superfluous text, and converts the variable names to a consistent style. Defaults to TRUE.


The style to convert variable names to, if tidy = TRUE. Accepts any style accepted by to_any_case. Defaults to 'snake'.


If TRUE, displayes messages on the console on the progress of the API request. Defaults to TRUE.


A tibble with details on bill publications.

See Also





## Not run: 
# Requesting a specific publication
x <- bill_publications(ID = 752025)

# Requesting all publications after a given date
y <- bill_publications(start_date = "2018-01-01")

## End(Not run)

[Package hansard version 0.8.0 Index]