Useful Functions for Handfully Manipulating and Analyzing Data with Data.frame Format

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Documentation for package ‘handyFunctions’ version 0.1.0

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checkCols check the validation and return index of cols given from input in rawDataFrame
checkDtype Return suggested dtype of vector input
grade Grade records of virtual persons in high school
matchIndex Return the index of source vector matched with query vector
mergeCustom merge two data.frame based on xcol and ycol
modifyColNames Return reformatted data.frame with standard col names
modifyColTypes Return suggested appropriate dtypes for each column in rawDataFrame
modifyRowNames Return reformatted data.frame with standard row names
people Basic information of virtual persons
queryingInfo return index of x data.frame with the given vector/list or ycol in data.frame (if set the accurate match or not)
ShowSNPDensityPlot Function of showing SNP density at chromosome level
SNV_1MB_density_data The SNPV number within 1Mb bins at chromosome levels generated from transcriptome dataset of two dog populations (including wild wolf and domesticated dogs).
splitCol Return specific-indexed vector according to given delimitator/separator by splitting one col in data.frame
unifyDataframe Reformat dataframe with the all modifiers simultaneously (colNames, rowNames and dtypes)