hgrm {hIRT} | R Documentation |
Fitting Hierarchical Graded Response Models (for Ordinal Responses)
fits a hierarchical graded response model in which both
the mean and the variance of the latent preference (ability parameter)
may depend on person-specific covariates (x
and z
Specifically, the mean is specified as a linear combination of x
and the log of the variance is specified as a linear combination of
. Nonresponses are treated as missing at random.
x = NULL,
z = NULL,
constr = c("latent_scale", "items"),
beta_set = 1L,
sign_set = TRUE,
init = c("naive", "glm", "irt"),
control = list()
y |
A data frame or matrix of item responses. |
x |
An optional model matrix, including the intercept term, that predicts the mean of the latent preference. If not supplied, only the intercept term is included. |
z |
An optional model matrix, including the intercept term, that predicts the variance of the latent preference. If not supplied, only the intercept term is included. |
constr |
The type of constraints used to identify the model: "latent_scale", or "items". The default, "latent_scale" constrains the mean of latent preferences to zero and the geometric mean of prior variance to one; "items" places constraints on item parameters instead and sets the mean of item difficulty parameters to zero and the geometric mean of the discrimination parameters to one. |
beta_set |
The index of the item for which the discrimination parameter is
restricted to be positive (or negative). It may take any integer value from
1 to |
sign_set |
Logical. Should the discrimination parameter of
the corresponding item (indexed by |
init |
A character string indicating how item parameters are initialized. It can be "naive", "glm", or "irt". |
control |
A list of control values
An object of class hgrm
coefficients |
A data frame of parameter estimates, standard errors, z values and p values. |
scores |
A data frame of EAP estimates of latent preferences and their approximate standard errors. |
vcov |
Variance-covariance matrix of parameter estimates. |
log_Lik |
The log-likelihood value at convergence. |
N |
Number of units. |
J |
Number of items. |
H |
A vector denoting the number of response categories for each item. |
ylevels |
A list showing the levels of the factorized response categories. |
p |
The number of predictors for the mean equation. |
q |
The number of predictors for the variance equation. |
control |
List of control values. |
call |
The matched call. |
Zhou, Xiang. 2019. "Hierarchical Item Response Models for Analyzing Public Opinion." Political Analysis.
y <- nes_econ2008[, -(1:3)]
x <- model.matrix( ~ party * educ, nes_econ2008)
z <- model.matrix( ~ party, nes_econ2008)
nes_m1 <- hgrm(y, x, z)