areNeighborCells |
Are neighbor cells |
cellAreaKm2 |
Exact area of specific cell in square kilometers. |
cellAreaM2 |
Exact area of specific cell in square meters. |
cellAreaRads2 |
Exact area of specific cell in square radians. |
cellsToDirectedEdge |
Cells to directed edge |
cellToBoundary |
Cell To Boundary |
cellToCenterChild |
Provies the center child index contained by 'cell' at the 'childRes' resolution |
cellToChildPos |
Returns the position of the child cell within an ordered list of all children of the cell's parent at the specified resolution parentRes. |
cellToChildren |
Cell To Children |
cellToLatLng |
Cell To Lat Lon |
cellToLocalIj |
Cell to Local IJ |
cellToParent |
Cell To Parent |
cellToVertex |
Cell To Vertex |
cellToVertexes |
Cell To Vertexes |
childPosToCell |
Returns the child cell at a given position within an ordered list of all children of parent at the specified resolution childRes. |
compactCells |
Compacts the set cellSet of indexes as best as possible, into the array compactedSet. |
degsToRads |
Degrees To Rads |
directedEdgeToBoundary |
Directed edge To Boundary |
directedEdgeToCells |
Directed Edge To Cells |
edgeLengthKm |
Get the exact edge length of specific unidirectional edge in kilometers. |
edgeLengthM |
Get the exact edge length of specific unidirectional edge in meters. |
edgeLengthRads |
Get the exact edge length of specific unidirectional edge in radians. |
getBaseCellNumber |
Get Base Cell Number |
getDirectedEdgeDestination |
Get Directed Edge Destination |
getDirectedEdgeOrigin |
Get Directed Edge Origin |
getHexagonAreaAvgKm2 |
Get the average hexagon area in square kilometers at the given resolution. Excludes pentagons. |
getHexagonAreaAvgM2 |
Get the average hexagon area in square meters at the given resolution. Excludes pentagons. |
getHexagonEdgeLengthAvgKm |
Get the average hexagon edge length in kilometers at the given resolution. Excludes pentagons. |
getHexagonEdgeLengthAvgM |
Get the average hexagon edge length in meters at the given resolution. Excludes pentagons. |
getIcosahedronFaces |
Get Icosahedron Faces |
getNumCells |
Get the number of unique H3 indexes at the given resolution. |
getPentagons |
Get all the pentagon H3 indexes at the specified resolution. |
getRes0Cells |
Get all the resolution 0 H3 indexes. |
getResolution |
Get Resolution |
greatCircleDistanceKm |
Great Circle Distance In Kilometers |
greatCircleDistanceM |
Great Circle Distance In Meters |
greatCircleDistanceRads |
Great Circle Distance In Radians |
gridDisk |
Grid Disk |
gridDiskDistances |
Grid Disk Distances |
gridDistance |
Grid Distance |
gridPathCells |
Grid Path Cells |
gridRingUnsafe |
Grid Ring Unsafe |
isPentagon |
Is Pentagon |
isResClassIII |
Is Res Class III |
isValidCell |
Is Valid Cell |
isValidDirectedEdge |
Is valid directed edge |
isValidVertex |
Is Valid Vertex |
latLngToCell |
lat lng to cell |
localIjToCell |
Local IJ To Cell |
originToDirectedEdges |
Origin To Directed Edges |
polygonToCells |
Polygon to cells |
radsToDegs |
Rads to Degrees |
stations |
Stations |
uncompactCells |
Uncompacts a set of compacted H3 cell indexes to a given resolution. |
vertexToLatLng |
Vertex To Lat Lng |