cols_units {gt} | R Documentation |
Define units for one or more columns
Column labels can sometimes contain measurement units, and these might range
from easy to define and typeset (e.g., "m/s"
) to very difficult. Such
difficulty can arise from the need to include subscripts or superscripts,
non-ASCII symbols, etc. The cols_units()
function tries to make this task
easier by letting you apply text pertaining to units to various columns. This
takes advantage of gt's specialized units notation (e.g.,
"J Hz^-1 mol^-1"
can be used to generate units for the
molar Planck constant). The notation here provides several conveniences for
defining units, letting you produce the correct formatting no matter what the
table output format might be (i.e., HTML, LaTeX, RTF, etc.). Details
pertaining to the units notation can be found in the section entitled
How to use gt's units notation.
cols_units(.data, ..., .list = list2(...), .units_pattern = NULL)
.data |
The gt table data object
This is the gt table object that is commonly created through use of the
... |
Column units definitions
Expressions for the assignment of column units for the table columns in
.list |
Alternative to
Allows for the use of a list as an input alternative to |
.units_pattern |
Pattern to combine column labels and units
An optional pattern to be used for combining column labels with the defined
units. The default pattern is |
An object of class gt_tbl
How to use gt's units notation
The units notation involves a shorthand of writing units that feels familiar and is fine-tuned for the task at hand. Each unit is treated as a separate entity (parentheses and other symbols included) and the addition of subscript text and exponents is flexible and relatively easy to formulate. This is all best shown with examples:
and"m / s"
both render as"m/s"
"m s^-1"
will appear with the"-1"
exponent intact -
"m /s"
gives the same result, as"/<unit>"
is equivalent to"<unit>^-1"
will render an"E"
with the"h"
subscript -
provides at
with an"i"
subscript and a"2.5"
exponent -
will use overstriking to set both scripts vertically -
"g/L %C6H12O6%"
uses a chemical formula (enclosed in a pair of"%"
characters) as a unit partial, and the formula will render correctly with subscripted numbers Common units that are difficult to write using ASCII text may be implicitly converted to the correct characters (e.g., the
, and"umol"
will be converted to the Greek mu symbol;"degC"
will render a degree sign before the temperature unit)We can transform shorthand symbol/unit names enclosed in
, etc.) into proper symbolsGreek letters can added by enclosing the letter name in
; you can use lowercase letters (e.g.,":beta:"
, etc.) and uppercase letters too (e.g.,":Alpha:"
, etc.)The components of a unit (unit name, subscript, and exponent) can be fully or partially italicized/emboldened by surrounding text with
Let's analyze some pizzaplace
data with dplyr and then make a gt
table. Here we are separately defining new column labels with cols_label()
and then defining the units (to combine to those labels) through
. The default pattern for combination is "{1}, {2}"
is acceptable here.
pizzaplace |> dplyr::mutate(month = lubridate::month(date, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE)) |> dplyr::group_by(month) |> dplyr::summarize( n_sold = dplyr::n(), rev = sum(price) ) |> dplyr::mutate(chg = (rev - dplyr::lag(rev)) / dplyr::lag(rev)) |> dplyr::mutate(month = as.character(month)) |> gt(rowname_col = "month") |> fmt_integer(columns = n_sold) |> fmt_currency(columns = rev, use_subunits = FALSE) |> fmt_percent(columns = chg) |> sub_missing() |> cols_label( n_sold = "Number of Pizzas Sold", rev = "Revenue Generated", chg = "Monthly Changes in Revenue" ) |> cols_units( n_sold = "units month^-1", rev = "USD month^-1", chg = "% change *m*/*m*" ) |> cols_width( stub() ~ px(40), everything() ~ px(200) )

The sza
dataset has a wealth of information and here we'll generate
a smaller table that contains the average solar zenith angles at noon for
different months and at different northern latitudes. The column labels are
numbers representing the latitudes and it's convenient to apply units
of 'degrees north' to each of them with cols_units()
. The extra thing we
wanted to do here was to ensure that the units are placed directly after
the column labels, and we do that with .units_pattern = "{1}{2}"
. This
append the units ("{2}"
) right to the column label ("{1}"
sza |> dplyr::filter(tst == "1200") |> dplyr::select(-tst) |> dplyr::arrange(desc(latitude)) |> tidyr::pivot_wider( names_from = latitude, values_from = sza ) |> gt(rowname_col = "month") |> cols_units( everything() ~ ":degree:N", .units_pattern = "{1}{2}" ) |> tab_spanner( label = "Solar Zenith Angle", columns = everything() ) |> text_transform( fn = toupper, locations = cells_stub() ) |> tab_style( style = cell_text(align = "right"), locations = cells_stub() )

Taking a portion of the towny
dataset, let's use spanners to describe
what's in the columns and use only measurement units for the column labels.
The columns labels that have to do with population and density information
will be replaced with units defined in cols_units()
. We'll use a
value of "{2}"
, which means that only the units will
be present (the "{1}"
, representing the column label text, is omitted).
Spanners added through several invocations of tab_spanner()
will declare
what the last four columns contain.
towny |> dplyr::select( name, land_area_km2, ends_with("2016"), ends_with("2021") ) |> dplyr::slice_max(population_2021, n = 10) |> gt(rowname_col = "name") |> tab_stubhead(label = "City") |> fmt_integer() |> cols_label( land_area_km2 ~ "Area, {{km^2}}", starts_with("population") ~ "", starts_with("density") ~ "" ) |> cols_units( starts_with("population") ~ "*ppl*", starts_with("density") ~ "*ppl* km^-2", .units_pattern = "{2}" ) |> tab_spanner( label = "Population", columns = starts_with("population"), gather = FALSE ) |> tab_spanner( label = "Density", columns = starts_with("density"), gather = FALSE ) |> tab_spanner( label = "2016", columns = ends_with("2016"), gather = FALSE ) |> tab_spanner( label = "2021", columns = ends_with("2021"), gather = FALSE ) |> tab_style( style = cell_text(align = "center"), locations = cells_column_labels( c(starts_with("population"), starts_with("density")) ) ) |> cols_width(everything() ~ px(120)) |> opt_horizontal_padding(scale = 3)

Function ID
Function Introduced
(October 7, 2023)
See Also
Other column modification functions: