gsubfn-package {gsubfn}R Documentation



Generalized "'gsub'" and associated functions.


gsubfn is an R package used for string matching, substitution and parsing. A seemingly small generalization of gsub, namely allow the replacement string to be a replacement function, list, formula or proto object, can result in significantly increased power and applicability. The resulting function, gsubfn is the namesake of this package. In the case of a replacement formula the formula is interpreted as a function with the body of the function represented by the right hand side of the formula. In the case of a replacement proto object the object space is used to store persistant data to be communicated from one function invocation to the next as well as to store the replacement function/method itself.

Built on top of gsubfn is strapply which is similar to gsubfn except that it returns the output of the function rather than substituting it back into the source string.

A fast version of strapply specialized to the function c is provided.

The ability to have formula arguments that represent functions can be used not only in the functions of the gsubfn package but can also be used with any R function that itself passes functions without modifying its source. Such functions might include apply, lapply, mapply, sapply, tapply, by, integrate, optim, outer and other functions in the core of R and in addon packages. Just preface any R function with fn\$ and subject to certain rules which are intended to distinguish which formulas are intended to be functions and which are not, the formula arguments will be translated to functions, e.g. fn$integrate(~ x^2, 0, 1) fn\$ also performs quasi-perl style string interpolation on any character arguments beginning with \1.

match.funfn, is provided to allow developers to readily build this functionality into their own functions so that even the fn\$ prefix need not be used.

The home page plus the following are sources of information on "gsubfn":

Home Page (see URL: line) RShowDoc("DESCRIPTION", package = "gsubfn")
News RShowDoc("NEWS", package = "gsubfn")
Wish List RShowDoc("WISHLIST", package = "gsubfn")
Thanks file RShowDoc("THANKS", package = "gsubfn")
License RShowDoc("COPYING", package = "gsubfn")
Citation citation(package = "gsubfn")
Demo demo("gsubfn-chron")
Demo demo("gsubfn-cut")
Demo demo("gsubfn-gries")
Demo demo("gsubfn-si")
Unit tests demo("gsubfn-unitTests")
This File package?gsubfn
Help files ?gsubfn, ?strapply, ?cat0
More Help files ?as.function.formula, ?match.funfn, ?fn
Home page
Vignette vignette("gsubfn")


# replace each number with that number plus 1
gsubfn("[[:digit:]]+", function(x) as.numeric(x)+1, "(10 20)(100 30)") 

# same
gsubfn("[[:digit:]]+", ~ as.numeric(x)+1, "(10 20)(100 30)") 

# replace each number with its cumulative sum
pcumsum <- proto(pre = function(this) this$sum <- 0,
   fun = function(this, x) { sum <<- sum + as.numeric(x) }
gsubfn("[0-9]+", pcumsum, "10 abc 5 1")

# split out numbers
strapply("12abc34 55", "[0-9]+")

fn$optim(1, ~ x^2, method = "CG")

fn$integrate(~ sin(x) + cos(x), 0, pi/2)

fn$lapply(list(1:4, 1:5), ~ LETTERS[x]) # list(LETTERS[1:4], LETTERS[1:5])

fn$mapply(~ seq_len(x) + y * z, 1:3, 4:6, 2) # list(9, 11:12, 13:15)

# must specify x since . is a free variable
fn$by(CO2[4:5], CO2[1], x ~ coef(lm(uptake ~ ., x)), simplify = rbind)

# evaluate f at x^2 where f may be function or formula
square <- function(f, x, ...) { f <- match.funfn(f); f(x^2, ...) }
square(~ exp(x)/x, pi)
square(function(x) exp(x)/x, pi) # same

[Package gsubfn version 0.7 Index]