gsl-package {gsl}R Documentation

Wrappers for the Gnu Scientific Library


An R wrapper for some of the functionality of the Gnu Scientific Library.



Package: gsl
Version: 2.1-8
Depends: R (>= 4.0.0)
Title: Wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library
Authors@R: c(person(given=c("Robin", "K. S."), family="Hankin", role = c("aut","cre"), email="", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-5982-0415")), person(given="Andrew",family="Clausen",role="ctb",comment="multimin functionality"), person(given="Duncan",family="Murdoch",role="ctb",comment="qrng functions"))
SystemRequirements: Gnu Scientific Library version >= 2.5
Description: An R wrapper for some of the functionality of the Gnu Scientific Library.
Maintainer: Robin K. S. Hankin <>
License: GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: yes
Author: Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] (<>), Andrew Clausen [ctb] (multimin functionality), Duncan Murdoch [ctb] (qrng functions)
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2019-03-25 09:10:03 UTC

Index of help topics:

Airy                    Airy functions
Bessel                  Bessel functions
Clausen                 Clausen functions
Coulomb                 Coulomb functions
Coupling                Coupling functions
Dawson                  Dawson functions
Debye                   Debye functions
Dilog                   Dilog functions
Ellint                  Elliptic functions
Elljac                  Elliptic functions
Error                   Error functions
Expint                  exponential functions
Fermi_Dirac             Fermi-Dirac functions
Gamma                   gamma functions
Gegenbauer              Gegenbauer functions
Hyperg                  Hypergeometric functions
Laguerre                Laguerre functions
Lambert                 Lambert's W function
Legendre                Legendre functions
Log                     Log functions
Misc                    Argument processing and general info
Poly                    Polynomials
Psi                     Psi (digamma) functions
Qrng                    Quasi-random sequences
Rng                     Random numbers generation
Synchrotron             Synchrotron functions
Transport               Transport functions
Trig                    Trig functions
Zeta                    Zeta functions
gsl-deprecated          gsl-deprecated
gsl-package             Wrappers for the Gnu Scientific Library
multimin                Function minimization
pow_int                 Power functions

The function naming scheme directly copies the GSL manual except that leading gsl_sf_ and, if present, the trailing _e is stripped: thus gsl_sf_Airy_Ai_e goes to R function airy_Ai(); however, some functions retain the prefix to avoid conflicts (viz gsl_sf_sin(), gsl_sf_cos(), gsl_sf_gamma(), gsl_sf_ choose(), gsl_sf_beta()).

R function arguments have the same names as in the GSL reference manual, except for the quasirandom functions documented in the Qrng manpage.

The package is organized into units corresponding to GSL header files; the .c, .R, and .Rd filenames match the GSL header filenames, except that the .Rd files are capitalized. Functions appear in all files in the same order as the GSL reference manual, which precludes the use of the tidying method given in section 3.1 of R-exts. Error forms of GSL functions (_e versions) are used if available.

In general, documentation is limited to: (a), a pointer to the GSL reference book, which would in any case dominate any docs here; and (b), re-productions of some tables and figures in Abramowitz and Stegun (June 1964).


Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre] (<>), Andrew Clausen [ctb] (multimin functionality), Duncan Murdoch [ctb] (qrng functions)

Maintainer: Robin K. S. Hankin <>




[Package gsl version 2.1-8 Index]