rk {grpnet}R Documentation

Reproducing Kernel Basis


Generate a reproducing kernel basis matrix for a nominal, ordinal, or polynomial smoothing spline.


rk(x, df = NULL, knots = NULL, m = NULL, intercept = FALSE, 
   Boundary.knots = NULL, warn.outside = TRUE, 
   periodic = FALSE, xlev = levels(x))



the predictor vector of length n. Can be a factor, integer, or numeric, see Note.


the degrees of freedom, i.e., number of knots to place at quantiles of x. Defaults to 5 but ignored if knots are provided.


the breakpoints (knots) defining the spline. If knots are provided, the df is defined as length(unique(c(knots, Boundary.knots))).


the derivative penalty order: 0 = ordinal spline, 1 = linear spline, 2 = cubic spline, 3 = quintic spline


should an intercept be included in the basis?


the boundary points for spline basis. Defaults to range(x).


if TRUE, a warning is provided when x values are outside of the Boundary.knots


should the spline basis functions be constrained to be periodic with respect to the Boundary.knots?


levels of x (only applicable if x is a factor)


Given a vector of function realizations ff, suppose that f=Xβf = X \beta, where XX is the (unregularized) spline basis and β\beta is the coefficient vector. Let QQ denote the postive semi-definite penalty matrix, such that βQβ\beta^\top Q \beta defines the roughness penalty for the spline. See Helwig (2017) for the form of XX and QQ for the various types of splines.

Consider the spectral parameterization of the form f=Zαf = Z \alpha where

Z=XQ1/2Z = X Q^{-1/2}

is the regularized spline basis (that is returned by this function), and α=Q1/2β\alpha = Q^{1/2} \beta are the reparameterized coefficients. Note that Xβ=ZαX \beta = Z \alpha and βQβ=αα\beta^\top Q \beta = \alpha^\top \alpha, so the spectral parameterization absorbs the penalty into the coefficients (see Helwig, 2021, 2024).

Syntax of this function is designed to mimic the syntax of the bs function.


Returns a basis function matrix of dimension n by df (plus 1 if an intercept is included) with the following attributes:


degrees of freedom


knots for spline basis


derivative penalty order


was an intercept included?


boundary points of x


is the basis periodic?


factor levels (if applicable)


The (default) type of spline basis depends on the class of the input x object:

* If x is an unordered factor, then a nominal spline basis is used

* If x is an ordered factor (and m = NULL), then an ordinal spline basis is used

* If x is an integer or numeric (and m = NULL), then a cubic spline basis is used

Note that you can override the default behavior by specifying the m argument.


Nathaniel E. Helwig <helwig@umn.edu>


Helwig, N. E. (2017). Regression with ordered predictors via ordinal smoothing splines. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 3(15), 1-13. doi:10.3389/fams.2017.00015

Helwig, N. E. (2021). Spectrally sparse nonparametric regression via elastic net regularized smoothers. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 30(1), 182-191. doi:10.1080/10618600.2020.1806855

Helwig, N. E. (2024). Precise tensor product smoothing via spectral splines. Stats, 7(1), 34-53. doi:10.3390/stats7010003


######***######   NOMINAL SPLINE BASIS   ######***######

x <- as.factor(LETTERS[1:5])
basis <- rk(x)
plot(1:5, basis[,1], t = "l", ylim = extendrange(basis))
for(j in 2:ncol(basis)){
  lines(1:5, basis[,j], col = j)

######***######   ORDINAL SPLINE BASIS   ######***######

x <- as.ordered(LETTERS[1:5])
basis <- rk(x)
plot(1:5, basis[,1], t = "l", ylim = extendrange(basis))
for(j in 2:ncol(basis)){
  lines(1:5, basis[,j], col = j)

######***######   LINEAR SPLINE BASIS   ######***######

x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 101)
basis <- rk(x, m = 1)
plot(x, basis[,1], t = "l", ylim = extendrange(basis))
for(j in 2:ncol(basis)){
  lines(x, basis[,j], col = j)

######***######   CUBIC SPLINE BASIS   ######***######

x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 101)
basis <- rk(x)
basis <- scale(basis)  # for visualization only!
plot(x, basis[,1], t = "l", ylim = extendrange(basis))
for(j in 2:ncol(basis)){
  lines(x, basis[,j], col = j)

######***######   QUINTIC SPLINE BASIS   ######***######

x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 101)
basis <- rk(x, m = 3)
basis <- scale(basis)  # for visualization only!
plot(x, basis[,1], t = "l", ylim = extendrange(basis))
for(j in 2:ncol(basis)){
  lines(x, basis[,j], col = j)

[Package grpnet version 0.5 Index]