Group Response Adaptive Randomization for Clinical Trials

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Documentation for package ‘grouprar’ version 0.1.0

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grouprar-package grouprar-package: Group Response-Adaptive Randomization for Clinical Trials
Bai.Hu.Shen.Urn Bai Hu Shen's Urn
BirthDeathUrn Birth and Death Urn
CRDesign Complete Randomization
DBCD_Bin Hu and Zhang's Doubly Biased Coin Design with Binary Response Type
DBCD_Cont Hu and Zhang's Doubly Biased Coin Design with Continuous Response Type
DLRule Drop the loser rule
dyldDBCD_Bin Hu and Zhang's Doubly Biased Coin Deisgn with delayed Binary Response
dyldDBCD_Cont Hu and Zhang's Doubly Biased Coin Deisgn with delayed Continuous Response
GDLRule Generalized drop-the-loser rule
Group.DBCD_Bin Group Doubly Biased Coin Design with Binary Response Type
Group.DBCD_Cont Group Doubly Biased Coin Design with Continuous Response Type
Group.dyldDBCD_Bin Group Doubly Biased Coin Design with Delayed Discrete Response
Group.dyldDBCD_Cont Group Doubly Biased Coin Design with Delayed Continuous Response
grouprar grouprar-package: Group Response-Adaptive Randomization for Clinical Trials
PolyaUrn Randomized Pólya urn procedure
RPWRule Randomized Play-the-winner Rule
WeiUrn Randomized Play-the-winner rule with multiple arms (k > 2)