groc {groc} | R Documentation |
groc method
Generalized regression on orthogonal components.
## Default S3 method:
groc(formula, ncomp, data, subset, na.action, plsrob =
FALSE, method = c("lm", "lo", "s", "lts"), D = NULL,
gamma = 0.75, Nc = 10, Ng = 20, scale = FALSE, Cpp =
TRUE, model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, sp = NULL, ...)
formula |
a model formula. Most of the |
ncomp |
the number of components (orthogonal components) to include in the model. |
data |
an optional data frame with the data to fit the model from. |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. |
na.action |
a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain missing values. |
plsrob |
logical. If |
method |
character giving the name of the method to use. The user can supply his own function. The methods available are linear models, "lm", local polynomials, "lo", smoothing splines, "s", and least trimmed squares, "lts". |
D |
function with two arguments, each one being a vector, which
measures the dependence between two variables using n observations from them. If |
gamma |
parameter used with the option |
Nc |
Integer, Number of cycles in the grid algorithm. |
Ng |
Integer, Number of points for the grid in the grid algorithm. |
scale |
Logical, Should we scale the data. |
Cpp |
Logical, if |
model |
a logical. If |
x |
a logical. If |
y |
a logical. If |
sp |
A vector of smoothing parameters can be provided here. Smoothing parameters must be supplied in the order that the smooth terms appear in the model formula. Negative elements indicate that the parameter should be estimated, and hence a mixture of fixed and estimated parameters is possible. 'length(sp)' should be equal to 'ncomp' and corresponds to the number of underlying smoothing parameters. |
... |
further arguments to be passed to or from methods. |
Y |
vector or matrix of responses. |
fitted.values |
an array of fitted values. |
residuals |
residuals |
T |
a matrix of orthogonal components (scores). Each column corresponds to a component. |
R |
a matrix of directions (loadings). Each column is a direction used to obtain the corresponding component (scores). |
Gobjects |
contain the objects produced by the fit of the responses on the orthogonal components. |
Hobjects |
contain the objects produced by the "lts" fit of each deflated predictors on the orthogonal components. |
B |
matrix of coefficients produced by the "lm" fit of each deflated predictors on the last component. |
Xmeans |
a vector of means of the X variables. |
Ymeans |
a vector of means of the Y variables. |
D |
Dependence measure used. |
V |
a matrix whose columns contain the right singular vectors of the data. Computed in the preprocessing to principal component scores when the number of observations is less than the number of predictors. |
dnnames |
dimnames of 'fitted.values' |
ncomp |
the number of components used in the modelling. |
method |
the method used. |
scale |
Logical. |
call |
the function call. |
terms |
the model terms. |
plsrob |
Logical. If |
model |
if |
Martin Bilodeau ( and Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux ( and Smail Mahdi (
Martin Bilodeau, Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux, Smail Mahdi (2015), The R
Package groc for Generalized Regression on Orthogonal Components,
Journal of Statistical Software, 65(1), 1-29,
## Not run:
# Codes for Example 1 #
out <- groc(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, ncomp = 1, data = wood,
D = corrob, method = "lts")
corrob(wood$y, fitted(out)) ^ 2
# Codes for Example 2 #
out <- groc(Volume ~ Height + Girth, ncomp = 1, D = spearman,
method = "s", data = trees)
cor(trees$Volume, fitted(out)) ^ 2
plot(out$T, trees$Volume, xlab = "First component",
ylab = "Volume", pch = 20)
lines(sort(out$T), fitted(out)[order(out$T)])
out <- boxcox(Volume ~ Height + Girth, data = trees,
lambda = seq(-0.5, 0.5, length = 100), plotit = FALSE)
lambda <- out$x[which.max(out$y)]
out <- lm(Volume ^ lambda ~ Height + Girth, data = trees)
cor(trees$Volume, fitted(out)^(1/lambda)) ^ 2
# Codes for Example 3 #
plsr.out <- plsr(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = wood)
groc.out <- groc(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = wood)
apply(abs((fitted(plsr.out) - fitted(groc.out)) /
fitted(plsr.out)), 3, max) * 100
# Codes for Example 4 #
n <- 200
x1 <- runif(n, -1, 1)
x2 <- runif(n, -1, 1)
y <- x1 * x2 + rnorm(n, 0, sqrt(.04))
data <- data.frame(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, y = y)
plsr.out <- plsr(y ~ x1 + x2, data = data)
groc.out <- groc(y ~ x1 + x2, D = dcov, method = "s", data = data)
plsr.v <- crossval(plsr.out, segment.type = "consecutive")
groc.v <- grocCrossval(groc.out, segment.type = "consecutive")
plsr.v$validation$PRESS <- data.frame(y = y, t1 = groc.out$T[, 1], t2 = groc.out$T[, 2])
gam.out <- gam(y ~ s(t1) + s(t2), data =
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
PRESS <- 0
for(i in 1 : 10){ <- data[-(((i - 1) * 20 + 1) : (i * 20)), ]
data.out <- data[((i - 1) * 20 + 1) : (i * 20), ]
ppr.out <- ppr(y ~ x1 + x2, nterms = 2, optlevel = 3, data =
PRESS <- PRESS + sum((predict(ppr.out, newdata = data.out)-data.out$y) ^ 2)
# Codes for Example 5 #
n <- nrow(yarn)
system.time(plsr.out <- plsr(density ~ NIR, ncomp = n - 2, data = yarn))
system.time(groc.out <- groc(density ~ NIR, Nc = 20, ncomp = n - 2, data = yarn))
max(abs((fitted(plsr.out) - fitted(groc.out)) / fitted(plsr.out))) * 100
plsr.v <- crossval(plsr.out, segments = n, trace = FALSE)
groc.v <- grocCrossval(groc.out, segments = n, trace = FALSE)
# Codes for Example 6 #
prim7.out <- groc(X1 ~ ., ncomp = 3, D = dcov, method = "s", data = prim7)
pca <- princomp(~ ., data =[, -1]))
prim7.pca <- data.frame(X1 = prim7$X1, scores = pca$scores)
prim7.pca.out <- groc(X1 ~ ., ncomp = 3, D = dcov, method = "s",
data = prim7.pca)
groc.v <- grocCrossval(prim7.out, segment.type = "consecutive")
plsr.out <- plsr(X1 ~ ., ncomp = 3, data = prim7)
plsr.v <- crossval(plsr.out, segment.type = "consecutive")
PRESS <- 0
for(i in 1 : 10){ <- prim7[-(((i - 1) * 50 + 1) : (i * 50)), ]
data.out <- prim7[((i - 1) * 50 + 1) : (i * 50), ]
ppr.out <- ppr(X1 ~ ., nterms = 3, optlevel = 3, data =
PRESS <- PRESS + sum((predict(ppr.out, newdata = data.out) - data.out$X1) ^ 2)
# Codes for Example 7 #
n <- 50 ; B <- 30
mat.cor <- matrix(0, nrow = B, ncol = 3) ; mat.time <- matrix(0, nrow = B, ncol = 3)
for (i in 1:B) {
X <- matrix(runif(n * 5, -1, 1), ncol = 5)
A <- matrix(runif(n * 50, -1, 1), nrow = 5)
y <- (X[,1] + X[,2])^2 + (X[,1] + 5 * X[,2])^2 + rnorm(n)
X <- cbind(X, X
D <- data.frame(X = X, y = y)
mat.time[i,1] <- system.time(out1 <- plsr(y ~ X, , ncomp = 2, data = D))[1]
mat.time[i,2] <- system.time(out2 <- ppr(y ~ X, , nterms = 2, data = D))[1]
mat.time[i,3] <- system.time(out3 <- groc(y ~ X, D = dcov, method = "s", ncomp = 2, data = D))[1]
mat.cor[i,] <- cor(y, cbind(fitted(out1)[,,2], fitted(out2), fitted(out3)[,,2]))
# Codes for Example 8 #
n <- nrow(oliveoil)
plsr.out <- plsr(sensory ~ chemical, data = oliveoil, method = "simpls")
groc.out <- groc(sensory ~ chemical, data = oliveoil)
max(abs((fitted(plsr.out) - fitted(groc.out)) / fitted(plsr.out))) * 100
groc.v <- grocCrossval(groc.out, segments = n)
Y <- oliveoil$sensory
for (j in 1 : ncol(Y)) print(cor(Y[, j], fitted(groc.out)[, j, 2]))
# Codes for Example 9 #
X <- as.matrix(log(cookie[1 : 40, 51 : 651]))
Y <- as.matrix(cookie[1 : 40, 701 : 704])
X <- X[, 2 : 601] - X[, 1 : 600]
data <- data.frame(Y = I(Y), X = I(X))
n <- nrow(data)
q <- ncol(Y)
xl <- "Wavelength index"
yl <- "First differences of log(1/reflectance)"
matplot(1:ncol(X), t(X), lty = 1, xlab = xl, ylab = yl, type = "l")
out1 <- plsr(Y ~ X, ncomp = n - 2, data = data)
cv <- crossval(out1, segments = n)
cv.mean <- colMeans(cv$validation$PRESS)
plot(cv.mean, xlab = "h", ylab = "Average PRESS", pch = 20)
h <- 3
for (j in 1 : q) print(cor(Y[, j], fitted(out1)[, j, h]))
out2 <- groc(Y ~ X, ncomp = h, data = data, plsrob = TRUE)
for (j in 1 : q) print(corrob(Y[, j], fitted(out2)[, j, h]))
# Codes for Example 10 #
n <- 30
t1 <- sort(runif(n, -1, 1))
y <- t1 + rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = .05)
y[c(14, 15, 16)] <- y[c(14, 15, 16)] + .5
data <- data.frame(x1 = t1, x2 = 2 * t1, x3 = -1.5 * t1, y = y)
out <- groc(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, ncomp = 1, data = data, plsrob = TRUE)
tau <- scaleTau2(residuals(out), mu.too = TRUE)
std.res <- scale(residuals(out), center = tau[1], scale = tau[2])
index <- which(abs(std.res)>3)
prm.res <- read.table("prmresid.txt")
plot(t1, y, pch = 20)
matlines(t1, cbind(t1,fitted(out), y - prm.res), lty = 1 : 3)
legend(.4, -.5 , legend = c("true model","groc", "prm"), lty = 1 : 3)
text(t1[index], y[index], index, cex = .8, pos = 3)
# Codes for Example 11 #
X <- as.matrix(pulpfiber[, 1:4])
Y <- as.matrix(pulpfiber[, 5:8])
data <- data.frame(X = I(X), Y = I(Y))
out.rob <- groc(Y ~ X, data = data, plsrob = TRUE)
plot(out.rob, cex = .6)
out.simpls <- groc(Y ~ X, data = data)
cv.rob <- grocCrossval(out.rob,segment.type = "consecutive")
PREMAD.rob <- cv.rob$validation$PREMAD[,4]
cv.simpls <- grocCrossval(out.simpls,segment.type = "consecutive")
PREMAD.simpls <- cv.simpls$validation$PREMAD[,4]
(PREMAD.rob - PREMAD.simpls) / PREMAD.simpls * 100
## End(Not run)