Export 'grid' Graphics as SVG

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Documentation for package ‘gridSVG’ version 1.7-5

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addComponentFunction Perform Colour Component-wise Remapping.
addFilterEffect Creating Filter Effects
addMergeNode Composite image layers together.
animate Convert animation specifications to SVG elements.
animateGrob Animate a grid grob
animUnit Generate a set of animation values.
animValue Generate a set of animation values.
as.animUnit Generate a set of animation values.
as.animValue Generate a set of animation values.
clipPath Create the definition of a non-rectangular clipping path.
clipPathGrob Apply a clipping path to a grid grob.
commentGrob Create a grid grob representing a comment
dev.off gridSVG Graphics Device
elementGrob Create a grid grob representing an SVG element
fe Creating a generic filter effect
feBlend Blend two objects together.
feColorMatrix Apply a matrix transformation on colour values.
feComponentTransfer Perform Colour Component-wise Remapping.
feComposite Combine images using Porter-Duff operations.
feConvolveMatrix Apply a matrix convolution filter effect.
feDiffuseLighting Light an image using the alpha channel as a bump map.
feDisplacementMap Displace pixel values from a filter input.
feDistantLight Create a Distant Light Source
feFlood Create and fill a rectangular region.
feGaussianBlur Apply a Gaussian blur to an image.
feImage Draw a referred image.
feMerge Composite image layers together.
feMergeNode Composite image layers together.
feMorphology "Fatten" or "thin" artwork.
feOffset Offset an input image relative to its current position.
fePointLight Create a Point Light Source
feSpecularLighting Light an image using the alpha channel as a bump map.
feSpotLight Create a Spot Light Source
feTile Fill a rectangle with a tiled pattern of an input image.
feTurbulence Create an image using the Perlin turbulence function.
filterEffect Creating Filter Effects
filterGrob Associate a filter effect with a grid grob.
filterInputs Identifies input for a filter effect primitive.
garnish Convert animation specifications to SVG elements.
garnishGrob Associate arbitrary SVG attributes with a grid grob
getSVGFonts Manage SVG fonts
getSVGMappings Retrieving Viewport, Grob, and Reference Names as SVG IDs, CSS Selectors and XPath Expressions
getSVGoption Get and Set Global Options
getSVGoptions Get and Set Global Options
gradientFillGrob Associate a gradient fill with a grid grob
grid.animate Animate a grid grob
grid.clipPath Apply a clipping path to a grid grob.
grid.comment Create a grid grob representing a comment
grid.element Create a grid grob representing an SVG element
grid.export Generate SVG output from a grid graphic
grid.filter Associate a filter effect with a grid grob.
grid.garnish Associate arbitrary SVG attributes with a grid grob
grid.gradientFill Associate a gradient fill with a grid grob
grid.hyperlink Associate a hyperlink with a grid grob
grid.mask Apply an opacity mask to a grid grob.
grid.patternFill Associate a pattern fill with a grid grob
grid.script Create a grid grob containing an SVG script
grid.textNode Create a grid grob representing an SVG element
gridsvg gridSVG Graphics Device
gridSVG.newpage Move to a New Page on a gridSVG Device
gridSVGCoords Importing an external coordinate system
gridSVGMappings Mapping Viewport, Grob and Reference Names to SVG IDs
gridToSVG Generate SVG output from a grid graphic
grobToDev Convert a grob to device calls
hyperlinkGrob Associate a hyperlink with a grid grob
linearGradient Create Linear and Radial Gradients
listSVGDefinitions List All Reference Definitions
mask Create the definition of an opacity mask.
maskGrob Apply an opacity mask to a grid grob.
pattern Create a definition of a fill pattern.
patternFillGrob Associate a pattern fill with a grid grob
popClipPath Apply a clipping context to the current viewport.
popContext Leaving A Modified Viewport Context
popMask Apply a masking context to the current viewport.
primToDev Convert a grob to device calls
pushClipPath Apply a clipping context to the current viewport.
pushMask Apply a masking context to the current viewport.
radialGradient Create Linear and Radial Gradients
readCoordsJS Importing JavaScript coordinate information.
readMappingsJS Importing JavaScript mapping information.
registerClipPath Create the definition of a non-rectangular clipping path.
registerFilter Create the definition a filter effect.
registerGradientFill Create a definition of a gradient fill.
registerMask Create the definition of an opacity mask.
registerPatternFill Create a definition of a fill pattern.
registerPatternFillRef Create a definition of a fill pattern.
scriptGrob Create a grid grob containing an SVG script
setSVGFonts Manage SVG fonts
setSVGoptions Get and Set Global Options
textNodeGrob Create a grid grob representing an SVG element
transferFunction Perform Colour Component-wise Remapping.
viewportConvertDim Functions for using an imported coordinate system
viewportConvertHeight Functions for using an imported coordinate system
viewportConvertPos Functions for using an imported coordinate system
viewportConvertWidth Functions for using an imported coordinate system
viewportConvertX Functions for using an imported coordinate system
viewportConvertY Functions for using an imported coordinate system
viewportCreate Recreate a viewport from imported coordinate information.